Human beings have this tendency to compare. We look at those around us and try to checkmate their lives with ours with the assumption that we have same head.
We also have this idea that they are definitely not knowledgeable than us. This makes us wonder why they are getting it but we seem not to be getting it.
We look at them from head to toe and assume their total worth in life should be lesser than ours because we are more educated and more exposed.
These assumptions eat so deep in us and make us think beyond ordinary. We assume things are going well for them while we have the opposite.
Life is life but the things we have in it are not the same and we do not have it equally. While freedom is everybody's sole right, we do not have it equally.
Certain things condition our freedom. Just as we all have freedom to walk, not all have legs to do so
We all have eyes to see but not all can see. Not all can lift their hands and some don't even have hands to lift!
These are freedom man has but some couldn't even exercise it because they don't have it.
Money is another factor that limits our freedom. You have freedom to get any ride you want so long you have the money to buy it.
But we know not many can afford a bicycle let alone a car. These are our realities and something we experience as human beings.
While it is true that we have these conditions that limit us, yours is not bad.
Whether you accept it or not, many people have it worst and they still strive to get things done and change their misfortunes.
You simply need to count your blessings. Look around you very closely this time around to see those you are far better than.
While you sleep under a roof, wear cloths, shoes, eat 2-3 square-meals a day, many people are out there without any of these things.
They beg for alms, nothing they have to call their own other than their names.
So whenever you look at that neighbour doing fine, also look at those neighbours not doing fine and understand yours is not as bad as others.
Bottom line, give thanks and count your blessings.