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RE: Mental illness a censured sickness (Part One)

in BDCommunity3 years ago

I feel the society doesn't consider mental health patients as patients. But, your point is accurate too that even physical health problems are not getting the right attention it needs to. Both illnesses are very different from each other and definitely have different diagnostic procedures and after-effects.

The simple recognition of these illnesses to be considered as illness is which is less addressed or more like understood in our society which is really a tragic story or more frustrating.

just lying half-awake is very painful, to be honest


But sometimes it just so happens that you can't figure out exactly which point is more bothersome to you the most...

Unable to connect, is bothersome. The society's drama added to that of self confusions add up to the limitless thought barricades. The actual mode of realization may trigger once we can actually freely understand the circumstances of the problem.

Some say na, that if you know the diagnosis you can cure but if you are unaware of the conditions, how may we solve it out? And, when such crucial matters are treated as insignificant, it just becomes more unbearable.