in BDCommunity3 years ago


I don't want to be away from you,
I want to be embraced,
In a warm entanglement,
Just as the moon embraces the sun,
In an eclipse.


I do not just want you to love me,
I want you to unleash,
every desire locked therein,
With a wild unapologetic speed,
Just like a tornado.


I don't just want you to care,
I want you to imprison every fear,
And carry my heart with you,
So that I would no longer be swamped in fear and anxiety,
Like an impending thunderstorm.


I want you to shine at me like the stars,
I want you to love every season of me,
Just like Easter, Christmas, and New year.


I want you to be at every moment of my pleasurable wins,
Relishing my defiant curves,
Unfazed with an unwavering singsong
And faint cloves of elation


I want you to be in my dreams,
Smiling like the sun,
I want you to rain your showers of love,
So that when the rains come,
It would sweep every fear and anxiety.


Only then can our hearts be intertwined,
Because like gold, it has tasted fire,
Like iron, it has been sharpened.


I don't want to be away from you,
I want to be your future,
To thrive with you, side by side.

attention: cover image is a property of pixabay.com


You make love feel so beautiful. Awesome piece!

Thank you. Thanks for reading.

Let's thrive old friend!

Wow.. Howdy my friend. Its been a while.