Feel Good Community Alphabet Hunt
Having fun going through the letter F today, so many words come to mind, let's play with thoughts and photography enjoying good company.
Faces Living in sub-tropical Durban a familiar little face that greets you every day is the Vervet Monkey, given half a chance they will take advantage of getting indoors to raid the kitchen.
Although many despise this little guys, they do know when they have done wrong, sheepishly return each day to raid the bird feeder, eat flowers or fruit in the garden so first up are my friendly little faces that come to visit even under lock down.

Next up is a Fly, how we despise them coming inside to sit on any food or fruit left out, forcing you to be wary never leaving anything for a minute. Meals are protected with flailing arms protecting food from ambush by this pest. Nothing is more annoying than a fly zipping around your face when trying to walk.
The house fly is a nuisance to humans, this reminds me of wasted opportunities posed by down-votes imposed on unsuspecting bloggers with no good reason here in our new hive home, I really hope the pests who bother people soon fly off before being swatted, everyone is stressed during trying times, "Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me" (A kysz mucho, nie przeszkadzaj mi), (Shoo Fly no me molestes) who agrees....

Family Symbiotic relationships do happen in the wild, what about passive symbiosis where animal relationships benefit species without harming each other. Here is a moment in time where three members of the animal kingdom find safety being together, while gathering food forming a greater family, in so doing protecting one another.

If any of the Vervet Monkeys who remain on the outskirts of circle or higher up in the trees take flight, the red duiker and mongoose will disappear into the undergrowth immediately to take cover, I have it as a bet that the monkey will be the alarm signal in this cozy little get together.
Both monkey and mongoose typically run in families, in this photograph the red duiker is the lucky one to enjoy a quiet moment grazing with so many. Never forget to share your amazing animals with @adalger in hive-127788
On a side note: We are Living in trying times family are cogs in the wheel that keep one going, both my adult sons still reside with us. The younger went back to work having a slight temperature was sent home after covid19 tests were performed, called back into place of employment four days later being cleared. Returning on Monday, was escorted by a Manager to an isolated area instructed he was put back into quarantine. Reason being the onsite Doctor who had attended to him on Friday had been declared infected with the virus. Fortunately he lives in a flatlet on our premise making quarantine from the family a little easier, not for his wife who is required to continue going to her place of employment. However in times like this I am happy there are no grandchildren being put through these traumatic times.

Fiscal Shrike a wily fellow who catches insects on wing, sometimes storing it's food by impaling it on a thorn bush to enjoy later. Nick names given here in South Africa for this bird is 'jackie hangman/hanger' or 'butcher bird', also known as the southern fiscal.
Pantry of the butcher bird may include small reptiles, small birds and plenty of insects, including that confounded fly. Enjoy sharing birds in your region visit @melinda010100 in hive-106444

Foaming Grass hopper with his bright red flash, always a good warning it may be poisonous, which apparently as the name denotes his foam is toxic. A grass hopper the fiscal shrike will not pick up in a hurry even when out in the open!
Fungi popping up in the most awkward places, never question how much kingdom Fungi does to stabilize earth being extremely valuable to our well-being, in yeasts, mildews, molds and mushroom they are all simply amazing! Learning more, sharing knowledge about fungi join @qwerrie all welcome sharing in Fungi Lovers hive-166168
Flowers everywhere one goes, nature impresses, it would be remiss of me not to include flowers for @dswigle in hive-154065. Bring her Angiosperms, Gymnosperms, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Lygumes anything that flowers is welcome with a poem, sonnet or descriptive detail about why you enjoy these flashes of colour in your surroundings.
Always more than one to bring cheer, knowing soon we will be able to move around more freely.
Deep throat glut of joy, live in abundance!
Wishing Each And Everyone A Wonderful Day. Alphabet Hunt seeing so many well known friends participate I'm inviting @sunscape to come join in.
All photography is my own, any queries or requests please drop a comment below, have a wonderful day!
Thought for Today: "He who feels it, knows it." - African Proverb
What a cool post - you have chosen really good F-words, @joanstewart, and I have noticed, that all words have something to do with eating or food
I love that Family photo and text and I hope your son will soon be alright again. This virus has changed the whole world.
Have a great Sunday 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
The food factor, we all got to eat. The clever one is the Fiscal Shrike who will save food for later.
Our world has been changed forever, I doubt we will ever know it the way it was.
My son is running on an even temperature of 35.6 to 36.2 daily, we will wait and see now entering second week of quarantine.
Have and amazing new week and thanks for pointing out the food aspect in the post, we humans must have a one track mind!
That's true, our world will never be the same, and maybe some of these new ways to live are not that bad.
I believe your son will be soon happy healthy again - this virus doesn't affect young people that much and the quarantine is only that he can't infect others :)
I wish you a wonderful week too, Joan @joanstewart 🙂
Cheers and !BEER
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.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thanks a lot, Joan 🙂
Thanks for curate on @qurator and visit @ackhoo
Haha... how relevant! :D
Have a happy day too, @joanstewart
Sunday - Funday so have loads of fun and thanks for visiting again.
Nice post to read. I wish you a great Sunday. 💕
Always nice to remember just how good life is. Have a great day too!
Lovely post @joanstewart, the letter F certainly is generous! I will post later but also ended up with a ton of F's;) Sorry to hear about your son's dilemma, but I'm sure he'll be ok! We really are living in trying times!
More and more pop up as you start this post, have fun selecting your share and look forward to seeing it.
Yes strange times indeed, I hope your son is settled while waiting for the right time to return home again.
Another heap of "Fs" here and you girls certainly have heaped them up, as I just saw Lizelle's post.
Hope that your son will be okay my friend!
Fun letter to begin with... Plenty out there with this letter.
Taking his temperature twice daily, so far clear... 2nd day on first round checking, was so busy chatting and flicking my 40 year old thermometer (mercury) it popped it's head off.
Did you know you cannot buy mercury thermometers, doctors are no longer allowed to use them because of the mercury (absolute BS). NOW... You can buy a made in China one that are battery driven and only last X number of reads for R100 (the absolute cheapest in town!).
Country is going from the sublime to the ridiculous, hanging onto sanity and not losing it is taking the ultimate in control!
I will never use a Chinese one Lady Joan, even if I must save up to import one from Germany. In that way I am a nut, as most of my tools are either German or UK manufactured.
Just glad that he is showing no signs and hope that he will be cleared, else he might cost you a fortune in thermometers lol.
Did you read the dailymaverick report about the 9 billion rand that was stolen from prasa for the locomotive machines?
Bought from a Chinese company and the Guptas were the middlemen.
Do you know how many people we can train and feed with even 1 billion rand.
So sickening.
I stick to looking for local first before buying imported, however sometimes you buy German, UK or USA brand name and under the hood it is still made in China.... Always look under the hood 🤣
As for my son... confusion reigns (always), phone call late yesterday afternoon to see in-house company doctor today, apparently 12 of the 14 days quarantine is over since it was from first visit. Plus the doctor who was positive is now negative with virus... Eish
So much has been pillaged in this country if you leave your mouth open too long your teeth will be gone too...
Take a deep breath and carry on!
Oh my, what a story!
First the doctor was positive and now negative. And your son is still negative. So what was the quarantine worth for?
I always look under the hood before I buy my friend. Us Saffers have learned many tricks in the art of survival. German spanners and tools are guaranteed to last for a lifetime and I can only afford second hand tools.
Chinese tools are hardly ever at a used tool sale, as they don't last that long.
So true about the pillaging part.
tokens.Thank you @misterengagement and @johannpiber
🎁 Hi @joanstewart! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @johannpiber!
@johannpiber wrote lately about: The Long Hunt For The E - Alphabethunt Feel free to follow @johannpiber if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
Thank you @tipu and for wonderful visit @johannpiber
Wonderful post with so interesting words starting with F.
Monkey face is so funng and the fly photo is so sharp. You are right about these annoying flies in real life and in our virtual one.
Life itself comes with so many different faces. Some are cute others plain annoying, both in real life and virtual you want to smack/swat them 😅
Beautiful hunt with all elements of nature ! Fauna and flora were nicely featured in your selection 😊
Sorry to hear about your son, wish you all the best for the following time 😉
Always turn to nature one sure thing where something will surprise you.
Thanks for kind thoughts at the moment his temperature is remaining stable, companies have to live within boundaries of law and everyone who came in contact has been sent home.
The monkey has the sweetest little face Joan. You captured some lovely “F” for your selection, the macro of the nuisance Fly and the family on monkeys.
We don’t have any grasshoppers that pretty color here, The ones here are mostly all green...Now that’s an idea for the “G”. 🙃
I love seeing all the animals and plants in different places.
Have a good day Joan.
They are very cute, an acrobatic family bounce through the garden once or twice daily.
Will have to start thinking about the letter "G".
🎁 Hi @joanstewart! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @redheadpei!
@redheadpei wrote lately about: Great Blue Heron Feel free to follow @redheadpei if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
What amazing selection i do love the coloring of the Foaming Grass hopper never seen one of those before well executed 👍
Really smart armor outfit that grasshopper had, did not pick him up! Have a wonderful day and thanks for visiting @kohsamul99
He really did definitely dressed for the costume party 🤣
That foaming grasshopper is amazing wow. I wouldn't touch it. Lol. The money is cute too.
Some delightful colours in nature. Thanks for visiting.
Nice flowers spectacular cover photo
Nature always takes us somewhere interesting. Have an awesome day.
Some great photos as illustrations!!
Trust you are all holding onto your sanity up there, cold mornings and beautiful highveld days at this time of the year.