Earth week contest

in Feel Good26 days ago

Hello friends,it's been an hectic week for me and i had to create time for this amazing contest.
Just to say a big thank you to @phoenixwren for the inspiration i got from her to contribute positively to my environment.

I really needed time just for my environment and i have been thinking what i can do to contribute to my environment and i noticed that weeding my environment was so necessary,

i just wanted my backyard to be presentable.
I didn't notice how quickly the weeds sprung up because it had appeared sparingly last few weeks.

But going to my backyard this morning, i noticed a great noticeable number of weeds i needed to attend to before it takes over the entire backyard.

I knew if i didn't do something about it quickly it may gradually turn into a much heavier work for me
I needed an effective method of weeding and and something faster.

Thank God the soil wasn't so stiff, it was loosen enough for me to easily pull out the weeds,
i didn't want to use a hoe to avoid disturbing the soil.

Also,i wanted to pull the weeds out right from it root,maybe with a hoe,if not probably done,some of the roots would have been cut into the soil

, I carefully removed each weeds,i succeeded with few of the weeds because their roots where still attached to the weeds when I pulled them out.Though i wasn't so lucky with all.

I was able to do a great job,my environment was neater and hopefully, i believe it was worth it .


Thanks for entering! Are these invasive weeds in your area? Here the biggest invasive is Trees of Heaven, their seeds sprout EVERYWHERE.
Or did you pick up the trash in the garden?

Yes they are invasive weeds 🤩

To participate at the cleanplanet reward protocol you have to suscribe at the cleanplanet curation trail and follow rules

Hey again,
I'm going to count your post, because I've only had two entries and no one has actually followed the rules, lol, unless those weeds were invasives or you picked up the trash. Weeding your garden doesn't actually help the environment, in fact it might hurt it if those are native plants that pollinators need. But I ran this contest last week and no one entered, and this week both entries don't really qualify, so I'm just counting them.

@phoenixwren am sorry for the delay I had a poor network here🥹🥲
They are invasive weeds .
It wasn't my garden. I just needed to pull off those weeds around my environment to make my environment neat.🙏

Ah, ok, thank you for the clarification!

Its really a hardwork my friend. Because weeding is not such an easy job. I know that.