Worldbuilding Prompt #779 - Corporate Branding, Corporate Lawyers

in Worldbuilding4 months ago

This post was inspired by a writing prompt in the Worldbuilding Community - Worldbuilding Prompt #779 - Branding

It takes place on a remote rural colony world in my Sci-Fi setting.

Enjoy !

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"Silence in Court ! Please everyone stand for the Right Honourable Magistrate Jujudi. Court is in session !"

Once the voice of the court bailiff had finished booming out, the packed courtroom hushed.

Magistrate Jujudi glided in, sat in her remarkably comfortable looking chair, pulled a wig out from under the desk which she stuck on her shaved head. Then she banged her gavel on the wooden disc that protected desk from impact and made out she was studying the dataslates in front of her.

"So we have the case of Mr Rijard Janno bringing suit against Mr Ebekiel Malnard, claiming harassment, breach of the peace and deliberately causing offense. You're both farmers, and neighbours I understand. Mr Janno, please tell the court the basis of your case."

Farmer Janno stood slowly. He was an elderly gentleman, and was wearing a green suit which he was clearly unused to, and which judging by the poor fit was probably borrowed.

"Your honour, everything was fine until a month ago. We'd been neighbours for years with no issues. Then a month ago, Malnard got his cows branded and put them in his top field right next to my sheep."

A murmur of amusement went around the court. Poor Janno had created an instant impression of being a stereotypical stubborn easily-offended and somewhat dim-witted farmer.

The magistrate waved an impeccably manicured hand and the room quieted down.

"So what is so offensive about that ? He is allowed to put his cows in his own field."

Janno looked befuddled and angry. "Yeh, but he branded them. Not normal, like, either. These were monstrous great brands, covering the whole side of the cow. And not normal at all. Not burned in, like a good brand should be. They were techno... tecnerlogical like. Bright green and yellow, glow in the dark and flashing. They upset me sheep, kept me wife up all night flashing into out farmhouse windows. It's not right, I tell you !"

Magistrate Jujudi nodded, some sympathy crossing her craggy stern features.

"Mr Malnard," she asked, "This certainly sounds like a breach of the peace. Perhaps you would care to explain your defence ?"

At this, Malnard remained seated and, looking complacent, indicated the being sitting next to him. A grey skinned alien in a blue-grey suit that was probably more expensive than the courtroom itself.

The alien stood, it's body language calculated to show insolence and dominance.

"I am Mr Gris, M.Law.Gol., and I am Mr Malnard's appointed defence lawyer. I also represent the interests of the Jemidan Armaments Corporation, who pay my salary." He was softly spoken, and every word carried an implied threat.

The court went absolutely silent. Jemidan were one of the three great weapons manufacturers of the Empire. Whole planets were owned by them and churned out the implements of destruction used by the armies of the Imperium. They were also known to keep the most expensive and ruthlessly predatory lawyers on retainer.

"Your Honour," hissed Mr Gris, "My client's defence is simple. These are not cows. They are ambulatory advertisements for the Jemidan Armaments Corporation. They carry our corporate branding. Under Section 364 of Special Imperial Law, Paragraph 36, Section B, Subsection IX, the Jemidan Corporation is permitted to display advertising and corporate branding wherever it chooses, and on whatever contract terms it agrees with local parties."

Magistrate Jujudi shrugged. She knew even without looking it up that this lawyer was right. Jemidan could do pretty much what they liked on a minor colony world like this.

But then the lawyer continued.

"You Honour, under Subsection XII of the same law, I invoke the right of immediate counter-claim. I wish to charge Mr Janno with not paying the fee for unlicensed consumption or viewing of Jemidan Corporation advertising without subsequently making a purchase. Ignorance of the law is never an excuse for breaking it, and it is especially egregious of him to attempt to subject our client to legal action on fatuous grounds."

Janno shrank back in his seat. He hadn't expected this awful turn of events, and this malarkey about making a purchase ? How would he ever be expected to find the money to buy a battle tank ?

"Your Honour," Mr Gris' expression widened into a triumphant and horribly predatory smile, "I insist on the maximum penalty applicable under law. That every one of Mr Janno's livestock is required to carry similar illuminated Jemidan advertising at all times and without payment for a period of five years, and that this is extended to the side of all houses, barns and buildings he owns, as well as he himself and his family."

Janno screamed......


It was an amazing read! The future we all have read from different writers where all will become victim of some Big Brother.

Thank you ! For some reason, all the different futures I write about seem to have some dystopian element to them.... perhaps I should write something a bit more optimistic some time 😁

Well, I am not an optimistic person I believe AI would ruin us 🥲🥲🥲

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Thank you ! 😀

@alonicus, you are most welcome!

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