Hello there 😁 sis gald to meet you here in this platform.. I am born again Christian too!
I'm glad the you respond to God's calling!
Life may have many challenges but we can survive in it with the help of the Lord!
Everything is in process just keep believing that God has better plan for your future...
Bible says that all things work for good to those who loved Him and obeyed Him dba!
Keep on putting your full Trust and faith to our Almighty God!
God bless 😇
Thanks! @jessmcwhite💕
That's so sweet of you😺 thanks sa encouragement👍👍 I'm so happy to meet you on hive, i always follow your adventures😆 it's so great to see you willing to follow the Lord.👍👍 fellowships are not my genre tho😸 mag ampo nalang ko kung pwede lang😹
Ahahaha marunong ka po pala magbisaya? Hehehe nanosebleed pa ako sa English hehehe
Bisaya mn ko😆😆 nice meeting you @jessmcwhite 🙌🙌🙌