My Terracore grind and mishaps

in terracorelast year

Ouch... That hurt pretty much. There's an issue with attack and claim option via terracorehub, in which the transactions might be processed in wrong order (for me it claimed and attacked afterwards). @Zionazrael did use the opportunity and is now richer by 10 scrap.
This things happen since we're still im early stages of development. The scrap lost still hurts, though. I thought I was doing so good.

It has to be noted that the issue of terracorehub (404 error while trying to view 'my crates' has been resolved pretty quickly.



Since the last post I have minted one crate and bought one item and now I have these:


My ratio has worsened significantly today.


What are my plans?

Will not be upgrading statistics per se. Instead will try to equip items. Don't really know if I should buy items on the market or buy crates.

After fully equipped, will burn scrap for favor and go visit these planets. I guess it'll take another 2 weeks minimum.
What I missed in the plan is that I need some flux, which one gets from salvaging items this means I need to get more crates or items to me more precise before being able to fight bosses.

I think, for now I have a versatile account that could go various ways. Do you think I should go fully in damage to loot more (you got to max only one stat) or should I choose defencive path and max defence and engineering?

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Offensive strategy is limited by 8 attacks per day, defensive, even if more expensive is uncapped. I'm still not sure if it's a buf o feature.

In general I'm team buying crates, however I bought one or two good items off the market.

The probability of dropping better than common item is poor. I guess, I will keep buying crates as long as I'm not fully equipped. For flux it's better to buy of the market

Yeah, but these 10% better quality rolls are very rewarding :) even more since it's not easy to hunt really good items on the market (ENG, LUCK and high roll DEF and DAMAGE)

And FLUX is a partial refund

But it might be my inner gambler :D

Bugs happen but it definitely hurts. I honestly have tossed engineering to the side so I don't get attacked that often. I prefer damage for some reason.

I haven't decided yet. Usually I choose def over att but usually I suck 😂

What I stole from you got stolen too🤣

Exactly, but I would call it looted, not stolen. It was all fair fights