Music and Tradition: Tribute to Benny Moré

Cuba is a country with a rich musical tradition, Cubans are proud of our musical roots. This has resulted in a wide diversity of genres. We are a country where music has always been part of the life of its people, reflecting our society. Through music we express what we feel, our joys, sorrows, disagreements... Cubans we are very passionate when it comes to music.

My first publication in this community is dedicated to one of the greatest and most recognized Cuban musicians. A much loved man, with a great and melodious voice, who is deservedly known as 'El Sonero Mayor' (The Biggest Sonero): Benny Moré


Located on Mercaderes Street in Havana, near the Plaza Vieja, is the Café Taberna. This was one of the first establishments built in Havana, dating back to 1770, as an informative plaque on its façade indicates. Nowadays this place pays homage to Benny Moré and Cuban music.




Upon entering, one is transported to the bars of the 50's, so common in Havana. I can imagine the orchestra on stage playing the most popular songs of the time, while the audience dances to the beat of the son, a melodious bolero or moves to the rhythm of the mambo, and the song "Bonito y Sabroso" one of Benny Moré's first hits in Cuba comes to mind.

🎶...but how beautiful and tasty the Mexicans dance the mambo, they move their waist and shoulders just like the Cubans...🎶




Here I find several photographs of the 'Barbaro del Ritmo' ("The Great of Rhythm", Benny) adorning the walls of the place.


The most outstanding thing about Benny was his melodious voice, and that he led his own musical orchestra without any academic training, he was a self-taught musician, and extraordinary!

He represented Cuban music on various stages, both international and national. Besides Havana, many Cubans in different cities enjoyed his presence, he performed in the city of Santiago de Cuba, Manzanillo, Cienfuegos, Varadero, among others. He was a musician devoted to his audience, who loved and admired him deeply.

Even in his last performances, being sick and his health very deteriorated, he did not cancel his performances and decided, in spite of everything, to give his talent to the public, thus demonstrating that he was an exceptional artist.


In the café there are also several musical instruments adorning the stage, we can see a jukebox and some advertising posters from the first half of the last century. At this time the place was not very crowded, but at night there are usually musical groups playing traditional Cuban music.




I was delighted to find and know this place, I am a fan of Benny Moré's music, and Cuban music in general. I share with you one of the songs that I like the most in his voice, I hope you enjoy it.

Greetings, until next time! 👋


-You can follow me on my social networks:

Discord: jordy0827#8374


Original content by the author. © 2024 @jordy0827. All rights reserved.



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So beauty place to honor Benny More memory. Nice tribute.

Me encantó esta taberna, muy linda forma de mantener viva la imagen y música del gran Beny Moré, a mi me gusta muchísimo su música. Muy lindas todas las fotos que nos muestras la belleza del lugar, un abrazo amiga🤗

Thank you friend, I'm glad you liked it. The place is very nice.

Gracias amiga, me alegra que te gustara. El lugar es muy bonito.

Beny has left a beautiful tribute to Cuban culture and transcended borders 👍🏽 nice commemorative post

Thank you so much! 🤗🎶🎵

From the video I watched Benny must have been an amazing musician. The fact that he had not prior musical training interest me the most. Being able to write your own music, conduct it and perform it yourself is noting an ordinary musician can do, it demands much more.

He was someone great, who also had an incredible voice, unfortunately he died young, but his music is still remembered.

That's one thing with good artists. Even in their death, their work still lives

Very special your post friend, in a way it is a tribute to one of the most iconic figures of Cuban music

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