
Though you wrote a little, the Q (Q-Inspired) community expects a little more story.

Oh!! Awesome!! I love to write, i thought it was not so much about writing, thanks!!

I love to write


i thought it was not so much about writing

The Q-Inspired community description in its profile starts with: "Q-Inspired is a small writing corner for Music Inspired contributions". Do you suggest that this needs to be made more clear that Q is about writing?

It is written the word "Small" though.

I've seem a couple of post with less text, but i'm not very sure the way it is evaluate it the contribution in here, i just want to learn, i share my things.

Really? Are you now trying to proof you are right?
Small related to the corner itself, not just a few words of writing.
You take the time to go through posts but not read the description of the community, and conclude whatever you conclude?
My conclusion: Post Mute. Sorry.

Yo' man what's happening?? Okay. I just made a remark, i did not insult, or disrepect anything at all. Sorry dude, chill out.

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