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RE: Find your old photo albums - you will need them!

in Q Inspired-by-Music11 months ago

Photos are a very important part of our story! In fact they are extremely personal, because the emotions and what we felt in those moments immortalized on paper we experienced them... even those who were beside us cannot describe what we felt!
The only "bad" side, if we can say so, is that streak of nostalgia we get from remembering past times, but not from remorse or anything else, just from the desire to relive them!
Looking at the photo, based on the clothing I could venture 1994-1995; even if I didn't get it right, it doesn't matter, I had fun looking for clues in the photograph!
I like this kind of old album challenge, we could coin a hashtag to participate, or tag you so you can stop by and read our stories!
Bye and congratulations on the ideas you come up with!


Yeah, if you make your contribution feel free to tag me or edje, so we can check out your photo-story-music contribution ;)

Nostalgia - it is sometimes good, right? When I visit my parents (it happens just in summer as we live far) we always dedicate at least one evening to watching old photographs. It doesn't matter I know them by heart, I fully enjoy remembering the people from the photos, and the stories around them.

Thank you for your guess, I am just noting them down at the moment ;)