Are we into weather talk??

in Q Inspired-by-Musiclast year (edited)


I was asked that question a few days ago... so yeah, here comes my answer:


Just to inform you right at the begging, today's post will be completely dedicated to Señora Weather. More precisely to one of her daughters, Señorita Rain. As I think we don't have a specific community on this topic at Hive, the article about rain is coming to Q-inspired. I will talk about the water cycle in nature, its phases and all the processes that happen so we can perceive the raindrops on our faces and whole body if we don't have an umbrella with us. Also, about the condensation of the vapour and...


Did you really believe in that first paragraph?

I am sure you have known that it was just a joke, though parts of it are indeed bringing the truth.
The aforementioned señorita, Rain, is the inspiration for music that is going to fill this post. She has inspired some classical composers in the past and is still inspiring musicians nowadays. Though she was not bringing some nice feelings this morning when I woke up... {she is forgiven until now} It was 7:50 a.m. but seemed like the middle of the darkest night of the whole year. I had to crawl out of the warm bed and found a cold and completely dark room, not a ray of light that would normally come under the blinds at this time of the morning. Luckily my son had already switched the heater on, that in a few minutes made the "waking up" experience a bit more pleasant. But still, no daylight from the outside?? I was thinking that the only possible answer would be a thick mass of clouds that covered the sky above us... and I was right. When I arrived at the place I gave some morning lessons, the sky became a bit brighter, but still heavily decorated by clouds. Those clouds are shown in the first photo of this post.

But again, I am talking more about the rain than about music. Yes, music, that's why we are here. I had two piano lessons, but unfortunately, these students are still not able to play any of the compositions of Chopin. But how cool that would be, to play the Raindrop Prelude this morning, right? It is one of the pieces from the collection of Preludes, op 28. The prelude number 15, in D flat mayor.


The legend (ow, maybe history) says that Chopin composed it in Mallorca while listening to the sound of the raindrops. He was spending some time (several times) on this Spanish island as his health was not very good. However, it turned out that the weather conditions that this island offered him were not of any help. We all know (do we? if not then you know now) that he suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis for many years, although his whole life was not very long. Frederic Chopin died at the age of 39. So young.


More compositions, inspired by rain were written throughout history. Grieg, Beethoven, Wagner Liszt, Debussy and others found the sound of rain inspirational and powerful for their musical story. But even if we leave classical music aside, we can find songs that at least mention the name of our protagonist, rain. The first one that would come to my mind is Purple Rain by Prince.


I must confess, I have listened many times to this song, but I don't remember watching the official video that comes with the song. Prince was pouring out his heart and seems that many emotions were involved here. So much longing for someone, or something. It is not just ordinary rain, it is a special coloured version of it when the sky is also mixing its evening colours.


Emotions are not missing from Adele's song Set Fire to the Rain either. Although she looks on the stage as a strong person that can't be conquered, so serious and professional, her eyes sometimes give the impression that her song is written upon her personal experience. I didn't do any research to find out the roots of this song, or what was her inspiration but it can be felt anyway. We deal here with some broken emotions.


She has so powerful voice, but enhanced with the orchestra sounds majestic. Additionally to that, we listen here to a performance from the famous Royal Albert Hall, which gives place to many classical concerts. I think she wanted to preserve that professional attitude and did it successfully.


I can't believe that my break for lunch passed this quickly. I can't even write a whole post and I have to run back to lessons. Is it fair? Ok, ok, we are not in the Rant community, I have to remember I am bringing music and musical vibes, so here comes back the teacher to the classroom, as well as the rainy road. Also, it means that there comes back the rain again...


Literally and through this song too. In case you don't like Eurythmics (please, don't say that) and this song, well, just don't listen to it then. 😂

Maybe some real rain sound can please the hearings of the readers and listeners. I am off, the rainy road and more teaching time are waiting for me 🌧



Debo de confesar que disfrute mucho este post como buena amante de la música y las sensaciones que transmiten. Sobre Prince la llevo en mi coche al igual que Adele y son este tipo de canciones que te hacen sentir la necesidad de desahogar todo lo que llevas por dentro mientras conduce. Vamos que son de las que se cantan y se sienten a todo pulmón. En cuanto al primero no sé si es porque me relaje entre la calidez de su sonido al tocar cada nota, y el frío invierno que se prestó para poder conectar con ella que termine disfrutándola. Y la última sorry 🙈 es primera vez que la escucho y después de haber escuchado Adele , tuve que regresar atrás para sin duda responderte, de que ella se inspiró en lo que estaba viviendo con su pareja, y hizo énfasis de que quemaría hasta la lluvia para olvidar todo lo vivido con el, porque sabía que pudo haberlo tenido todo como dice en su canción pero el la traicionó. Vamos que son de estas canciones que se cantan con el corazón apretado y las emociones a flor de piel. Así que espero tengas algún día la oportunidad de escucharla en vivo y tal vez entiendas de lo que te hablo.

Por último te respondo en Español porque mi inglés aún lo tengo en periodo de prueba. 🤣🙈

Abrazo 🌹✍️

Me alegro mucho saber que te gusta la música 🎶 y verte por aquí, en esta pequeña comunidad. El primer vídeo, con la pieza clásica de piano es del compositor Chopin, una de las que calman y traen un poco de tormenta a la vez.
Adele es una diva, y sé que tenía momentos de sufrimiento pero no sabía mucho más. De la canción tampoco, por eso mil gracias por tu explicación. Has enriquecido esta publicación ;)
Inglés en periodo de prueba 😂😂😂 .De todas formas nos entendemos en cualquier idioma (común 😅)

Un abarazo igualmente 🍀

🤌 créeme que es verdad, mi inglés está en periodo de prueba al igual que yo 🙈📚💻✍️ Me agrada saber que mi comentario te ha sacado una sonrisa. Y claro que me encanta la música, la llevo dentro de mi todos los días. Y como no conectar con sus letras y sus melodías cuando crecí entre boleros,mariachis ,guitarras y canciones. Hoy en día esas mis canciones las escucho entre violines que me ayudan a despertar mi parte cognitiva y poder sentir sensaciones y emociones.

Así que si me encanta la música... Pero lo que tú realizas con el piano es otro nivel. Es como si jugaras en las grandes ligas y yo solo puedo observar y escuchar.

Deliciosa selección la que presentas en tu publicación y todo relacionado con la lluvia. Es muy lindo sentirla de tantas maneras diversas, con tan buenas y sentidas interpretaciones, melancólica, triste, poderosa, colorida... Ciertamente la lluvia inspira. Músicos, poetas, pintores, escultores incluso, han creado excelsas obras en las que la lluvia es el tema principal o el gatillo que dispara un montón de emociones y sentimientos.
Gracias por tan bonito post, como siempre. Eres tan sensible, tienes esa capacidad tan bonita de ver... y transmitir.

Un beso 📸❤️

Es genial ver como los comentarios complemenatan esta publicación, donde me quedé corta vino ayuda en forma de palabras. Sí, la lluvia se puede ver de estas formas diferentes como explicaste. Y también como algo que trae vida. Es la vida, trayendo agua. Bueno, a veces el exceso puede hacer daño, pero es muchas veces porque los humanos no nos adaptamos a la naturaleza. Te mandaría castañas asadas a través de la pantalla, si se podría jejeje
Un té también nos sirve 😉 🍵
Espero estás ya mejor!?

6:55 am

A few minutes ago I woke up, I felt cold. I went to the bathroom and saw that Chanel, in her little bed, wasn't covered either. I tidied up the mess and got a blanket for myself. A rooster crowed a few meters from my window and a dog barked in the distance. I just curled up and looked at my phone. There you were with your offer of tea and chestnuts. I think I've been imagining that scenario ever since. Maybe now I'll go back to sleep. The coughing these days is annoying. However yesterday I participated in a discord programme on the Palnet server and I sang in my voice which is horrendous for the moment and sounds more like thunder. It was funny.

7:17 am - Deseo que tengas un bonito día. Voy a cerrar los ojitos para soñar con ese té, las castañas y una conversación con @mipiano. Quizás hasta te animas y tocas algo del concierto de Aranjuez. 🤗🫣

I suppose it is already not 6:55 am...

I worked, published a post, and then went back to work, so the chestnuts and the tea are probably ice cold until now... (though they were warm when you woke up and saw the offer 😇)
It is so cold these days here. But if I am not mistaken, in Cuba is nice weather now? Or?
I have an uncle, he is very old now, but some 20 years ago they went to your country so many times, they loved being there. They were saying that they were best received in Cuba (though they travelled a lot, to many many places)

Hey, you were singing? Thunder sounds nice too :D

I hope you could sleep a bit more, soon and I am going to meet my pillow ;)

En Cuba hace buen tiempo, pero cuando tienes fiebre da frío y el lugar donde vivo, en plena ciudad, es campestre y tiene un microclima.
Sí, todo estaba calentito y estuve disfrutándolo mucho, sabes que "la loca de la casa" puede ir a cualquier sitio 😉
No dudo que se haya sentido bien querido tu tío aquí en mi país, los cubanos son muy buenos anfitriones.
Son las 6 de la tarde aquí, queda bastante para mi encuentro con la almohada 😂
Y el canto es una broma, yo no sé cantar. Lo hago muy, muy mal. Con voz de trueno, peor.
Un cariño y gracias por preocuparte por mí. Dulces sueños.

Pues el lugar donde vives parece perfecto, parece una mezcla entre la ciudad y campo ;)
Tienes las dos cosas 😀
Hahaha, el canto, pues hay personas que cantan mal, y todavía lo hacen, pensando que lo hacen bien. Y no te le creo, que cantas mal, voz de trueno es como algún genero musical, como heavy 😂
Ahora , después de 7 días ya sé que estas bien, y sorpresa - yo también he vuelto al mundo, ahora ya completamente. Incluso tenía que ir a trabajar ya. Que desgracia 😂

Dulces sueños.

gracias, pronto vendrán. si no me quedo hasta las 5 am como algunos 😆

Yay Eurythmics!

Even tho I really appreciate Adeles voice, she can not beat E.

Yesterday was dark and cloudy here, had feeling like I missed whole day.

It's time for the sun then 😉


Hope it helps to bring some brightness 😉

Take care on the rainy road...meanwhile, the weather here was too cold today and I was freezing to death outside. still managed to do my plans, lol

I guess after all that great weather we had it's time for the cold days, but let's hope it will not last long 😉
Anyway, we can stay inside and listen to some extra music 🎶🎶🎶😉

Very nice selection of songs. But my favorite with rain is: Morphine - you look like rain

Hey, thank you for the hint for that song 🎶🎶🎶 🌧️

You're welcome. 👍

Creo que los recursos narrativos están para emplear siempre, pero si además de ésto, se le incluye también creatividad, pff... Sobra la belleza y la admiración, a decir verdad, @mipiano. Por cierto, tienes mucha razón, en todo HIVE no hay un nicho o comunidad específica que trate lo relacionado al clima como tal. Prince, Adele y Eurythmics, excelentes elecciones para brindarle un soundtrack a tu argumento.

Interesting enough for us to see

I like Adele's powerful voice too especially when she sang Someone like you and rolling in the deep.. !PIZZA

Yes, and those songs are also cool!


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