The importance of intellectual capital for companies.

in DClub3 years ago

We can affirm that every organization looks for new trends to generate greater resources, that each of the actions are carried out to the fullest, that the personnel feel identified with the institution and that a quality service can be provided to the users.

In the same way, every institution seeks to evaluate the resources it has and even add new strategies or the implementation of management models that achieve greater efficiency in its processes.

Therefore, companies are increasingly looking for more efficient and effective production processes or the generation of services, which is why they must be clear on the elements that make up their human talent, their structure as an institution and the tangible resources that facilitate the work such as furniture, equipment, among others..

That is why today they are not satisfied with the typical operation to which companies are accustomed, but also that they are looking for ways or strategies to increase the performance of their production and operational processes, that there is a better response to the provision of goods and services to users, that customers are satisfied and the staff is more proud of what they do.

In turn, it is of utmost importance and essential to take into consideration the intellectual capital, because if it is not considered, it could be incurring in a lack of performance of the company and thus lead it to lower the responses to its customers.

Intellectual capital can improve the efficiency conditions of an institution and ensure that all its members work to the fullest without there being low performance in the organization's operational tasks, a fundamental element for companies to endure over time.


Mena, C., Vásconez, H., Carguaytongo, J. (2017). Intellectual capital from a theoretical review of published literature. Scientific journal Dominio de la Ciencia. Vol. 3, no.

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