
Con palabras fáciles de entender. Muy bien post Elizabeth 🙌🏻

Cómo siempre 🫢 para que todos podamos comprender. Un abrazo 🤗

I'm all about using Coinbase exchange, which is the largest exchange in the US this, and will also have Coinbase wallet, which is also the best security.

Posted via D.Buzz

It is the largest in the USA, and with fewer restrictions for those who live in that country, however, I don't think it has the Hive listed, check first.

Una ilustración muy didáctica.

I'm all about using Coinbase exchange, which is the largest exchange in the US this, and will also have Coinbase wallet, which is also the best security.

Posted via D.Buzz

Nececitas Mas de un dollar lol

Posted via D.Buzz

Me voy a guardar esta imagen para info en mi pc. Simple y con manzanitas jeje como me guta 🤓

Excelente 😂, me alegra que te haya gustado

Como me gusta con peras y manzanas querida @elizabeths14. Gracias por compartir tus conocimientos para apoyar a los usuarios de #Hive.
Un abrazo

 2 months ago  

Thank you for sharing this very informative post about the differences between Web3 and Web2. It will be very helpful to everyone.

Posted via D.Buzz

You're Welcome

Hola bella @elizabeths14, excelente información, gracias por tu apoyo.

De acuerdo a mi criterio hay que tomar la parte buena de la web 2 y trabajarla junto a la web3.