Just did a spread for myself asking about this coming year. The layout ...

in DBuzzlast year

Just did a spread for myself asking about this coming year. The layout:

  1. What will overarchingly define 2023?
  2. What will define work?
  3. What will define Family?
  4. what to let go of.
  5. What to focus on.
  6. Bonus Card!

    Posted via D.Buzz
 last year  

Great questions.
I haven't determined the ones for myself for 2023 yet.
I guess there is no excitement of the old new years 😊

Posted via D.Buzz

Dear @musingmusician,
Our previous proposal expired end of December and the Hivebuzz project is not funded anymore. May we ask you to review and support our new proposal (https://peakd.com/me/proposals/248)?
Thank you for your help!