The Best of Discovery-it #1428

in Discovery-it13 days ago

The Best of Discovery-it #1428


Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?

A walk of St. Francis of Asis Square [EN/ES]

by @jordy0827

“Walking through the streets of Havana's historic center is one of the tours I enjoy the most. Walking around here is to walk through streets that seem immune to the passage of time. I can imagine people walking through its streets with their eternal mixture of races and social classes” this is how this beautiful post by jordy0827 started. Don’t miss this reportage!

Still nature - martwa natura

by @stafhalr

Today stafhalrn shares with us some photos representing the still life scenes. The use of colours and lights is very creative, don’t miss it!

French Lavender in our garden

by @vesytz

French lavender is a lovely species with violet flowers. In this post vesytz shares with us some information about it. “The plant has a number of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Helps with headaches and insomnia. It is useful for an irritable stomach and also normalizes cholesterol” the author told us.

Birthday Barbie (ENG/ESP)

by @randybpics

Today’s post by randybpics is dedicated to all photography lovers. “Since the release of the movie BARBIE (Greta Gerwig, 2023) there is a certain tendency to look for elements similar to the movie, and to the style of the famous doll of the MATTEL company…” this is how the story started. Don’t miss it!

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Thanks you for The support

Thank you very much for the support 🙏