The Best of Discovery-it #1517

in Discovery-itlast month

The Best of Discovery-it #1517


Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?

Blurry Murraya paniculata

by @ekavieka

The protagonist of today’s photoshoot by ekavieka is Murraya paniculata commonly known as orange jasmine, orange jessamine, china box or mock orange, is a species of shrub or small tree in the family Rutaceae and is native to South Asia, Southeast Asia and Australia. Don’t miss this interesting post!

[ENG/ESP] "Playa parguito" a beauty from a cliff.

by @taniagonzalez

In this amazing post taniagonzalez brings us to discover Playa Parguito, a lovely place in the municipality of Antolín del Campo, in the state of Nueva Esparta on Margarita Island. Don’t miss this experience!

Cajas en forma de creyones gigantes: tuto (ESP-ENG)

by @geneleori

If you’re passionate about DIY works, you shouldn’t miss this new article by geneleori. “This weekend I had a lettering workshop and I always like to find new ways to give each participant their kit of materials. This time I had some colors or crayons made on cardstock, big enough to hold: a graphite pencil, a tapered tip marker, a gel pen and an eraser. So I looked for inspiration on pinterest and set about making a mold with the specific measurements for what it would hold” the author said. Read the story to find out more!

Throwback Monochrome Monday

by @cmplxty

Today’s post by cmplxty is dedicated to all photography lovers. The technique is black and white photography. Don’t miss this selection!

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