The Best of Discovery-it #1605

in Discovery-it4 months ago

The Best of Discovery-it #1605


Hi there, welcome back to The Best of Discovery-it! All the best posts voted by the Discovery-it curator team will have their own dedicated space within the Hive blockchain. This digest intends to bring to light all those authors who often remain unnoticed and therefore reward all those who create quality posts, leading them to establish themselves on the platform. But that's not all!
After a careful selection, our curators will also choose the most deserving articles among all those voted to create a ranking of the Top posts of the day.
So who are today's winners?

Trip to Allariz, a strategic path [Eng][Esp]

by @oscarps

In this new adventure oscarps brings us to discover the town called Allariz. “When you leave the motorway branch and enter the town, there is a large park on both sides of the river and an area where you can leave your car to begin this adventure through this town of water and stone…” this is how the story started. Don’t miss it!

Vivid And Brilliant — Review Of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

by @kemmyb

“Imagine an arid wasteland that stretches for miles unending, no sign of shelter anywhere. It's a post-apocalyptic landscape, not a single puddle of water in sight. People are milling around, dishevelled, emaciated and…dehydrated in search of sustenance. But there's one person who can give it to them—Immortan Joe, their leader…” this is how this interesting review by kemmyb started. Don’t miss it!

This Lens is probably my best MFT lens!

by @draysax

Today’s article by draysax is dedicated to all photography lovers. “From my first professional camera (the Trusty GH4) to my current GH6 and all the in-betweens I've always carried one particular prime lens with me in my camera bag, almost all the time, especially when going for planned shoots (whether photography or videography). This lens has always been a part of my best shoots for the past couple of years” the author said. Read the post to find out more!

Earth@Air - stability and abundance, space and freedom

by @goga22

In this new post goga22 shares with us some new photos inspired by the beauty of nature. “Air connects us, we communicate through it, so it is the written word on paper and the message in our inbox, and above all every thought in our mind. Air, like the wind, brings change, carries away the old and opens space for the new” the author said.

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