My watercolor: Daisy in the sunshine

in Discovery-it2 years ago

My favorite wildflower is daisy since I was a child. There is little to see these days, it is disappearing from the meadows. When I was a little girl, I could hardly wait for them to bloom every May, when I picked them up with a big bouquet. Unless they had been mowed the day before, I cried in despair. The mowing was still done by hand at the time, it was hard work and the meadow wasn’t ruined, only temporarily. Today’s electric and gasoline-powered lawnmowers ruin everything, leaving only the boring lawn without daisies and other flowers, killing the insects like bees.

For me, the daisy is a symbol of chastity and innocence. In the old days, young girls braided a wreath out of it or used it for divination. Tearing out the petals of the flower, they calculated whether the boy they had chosen loved them ("he loves me/doesnt't love me").
We call it "margaréta" or "margitvirág", referring to St. Margit (Sancta Margarita), the holy daughter of our King Bela the 4th.

In its simplicity, it can be a lovable and very beautiful theme for a watercolor. I painted a lone flower as it emerges from the green grass.

Paper: Fabriano 300g A/4 paper block

Color palette:
Sonnet watercolor (light green, dark green, emerald green, bluish green, ultramarine blue, dark purple, lemon yellow, medium yellow, dark yellow, golden ocher, burnt siena, burnt umber, sepia ); Van Gogh watercolor: Payne grey.

After sketching, i began with the background, with wet technique. Afterwards, I wiped the bokeh stains wet with absorbent paper.



I brought more and more colors to the background and darkened it around the white petals.


I worked out the blades of grass and the parts of the flower in the shade. With the yellow center of the flower, I had to work a little more.


At the end, I gently contoured the edges with a thin brush, then softened it a bit.
I'm very happy with the result!


Some details:






I hope you liked and could follow the process.

To be continued with other watercolor themes.


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

!discovery 30

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