The Lost Princess (Part 5)

in Discovery-it7 months ago

When Sophia finally returned home, she knocked on the door, but no one answered. Until she saw a note on the door saying "Out to look for my daughter, if you find her, my phone number is 123-555-1212. Thank you."

Sophia took her phone out of her pocket, she wrote down the phone number and called him. Sophia's dad answered on the first ring. Sophia said "Hello? Is this John Smith?" Sophia's dad replied "Yes, did you find her? Because if you didn't you know what happens. You only have one day left."

Sophia was confused and replied "I am Sophia. Your daughter. I'm sorry I think I might of gotten the wrong number." As Sophia was about to hang up, Sophia's dad yelled "WAIT! If you are Sophia, where are you?"

Sophia replied. "I'm at home? Where are you?" There was a silence... and finally he said, "I am 2 blocks away from home. Sophia listen closely, you just stay there. I'm coming in 2 minutes ok?" Sophia was scared, but she still agreed. Maybe he was her father after all. "He did say that he was John Smith." Thought Sophia.

After 2 minutes of waiting, he finally came. Sophia's dad ran over to Sophia and he hugged her tight.

As Sophia and her dad walked in their home, Sophia said "Hey dad, what did you mean by "You only have 1 day left" at the start of the call?" Sophia's dad jumped in fear. In doing so, he knocked over a glass vase. He cut his hand and his hand was bleeding. Sophia ran over to the first aid kit and wrapped a bandage around her dad's hand.


He was fine, but he told Sophia in a very serious voice "Do not bring up that topic ever again. Do you understand?!?" Sophia was scared by the tone of voice he used so she never talked about it ever again.

Sophia said "Hey it's getting late. I wanna go to sleep. See you in the morning!" Sophia went to sleep.

When Sophia woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, she saw her dad having a phone call. He said "Yes I will do it tomorrow, Sophia of course! Who else would I do it with? Well I got to go before she hears me. Bye"

Sophia walked up her her dad saying "What are you doing?" Her dad replied with a nervous tone "uh well I can ask you the same thing. Aren't you suppose to be sleeping?" Sophia thought for a second. Then she said "Yes, but I was thirsty I came to get water. Can you answer my question now and tell me what you are doing here!?!"

Sophia's dad got frustrated and yelled "YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS STUBBORN AFTER YOU LEFT! WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT MADE YOU ACT LIKE THIS?!" Sophia was taken aback. She was speechless. So she took a cup, filled it with her water and left to her room without saying a word. The next morning, Sophia's dad said "I'm sorry about last night. How about we go to the park and have some ice cream?" Sophia gave him a suspicious look and agreed slowly.

When they got to the park, Sophia's dad told her to sit on the bench while he got the ice cream. When he came back with the ice cream, Sophia said "Why is my ice cream red? Did you get strawberry? You know I am allergic!!" Sophia's dad calmed her down and said, "Sweetheart they came out with a new flavor, raspberry! Your favorite!" Sophia was hesitant to eat it, but she hasn't eaten in a long time so she dug in.

In the middle of the ice cream she felt a burning in her throat, then, it got harder and harder to breathe. Until she realized, she is having a allergic reaction! She desperately asked her dad to help her and he said "Haha.. no. have fun..... dying." Sophia felt so betrayed. Until a random stranger called an ambulance and they rushed her to the hospital. After 2 hours of waiting in the waiting room. The stranger that saved her life finally got to meet her. Sophia was so exited to meet him. But when she did, she realized that he was the...

Hello everyone! Sorry I took a little longer than usual on this post. I got a little lazy and took longer. So that's why I made this post extra long! Trust me, the plot twist in part 6 is going to be crazy! I hope you enjoyed part 5! And I will see you next time! :D


I hope you like my post, let's make some nice waves in this world! :)