Henchmen Guide - Henching for Fun and Profit!

in CVIL6 months ago (edited)

So, you're interested in being a Henchmen in The Crypto-Villians?

Let's walk you through what will be provided for you and what will be asked of you so you can better understand what you're getting yourself into.


In our last project The CryptoGaming Guild, we found that 90% of the people who interacted with the project would read articles, take recommendations, read the discord, and never really interact in a social way. That is in no way a problem but, knowing that information, we've created a system where Henchmen get all the information they need but also serve the greater organization and help it grow.

This way, everyone can choose the level of involvement they're looking for.

Information will be passed down from group leadership about upcoming Play2Earn games we're excited to try and guild projects you can assist with (like the creation of The Archive).

We ask two very simple things of you.

  1. Keep playing the Play2Earn games you love and let us know whats working for you in our comment sections and Discord. Read our articles, review the leads we provide, and share your perspective. Your opinion on these games and experience playing them is invaluable information when collected and organized.

  2. Referral links are a powerful tool to support the guild. We also never want to be seen as annoying shills. For this reason we ask:

  • 2.a. If you are going to write about Play2Earn projects regularly make a pinned post on your profile containing all your ref links. You can link to that post if necessary.

  • 2.b. VERY IMPORTANT. Whenever you see a Play2Earn project you are interested in from one of our articles you seek our the referral link of a group member. Referral links should ALWAYS be used when starting a game. Anything else is wasteful.

You can see my page HERE to get a better understanding of what I mean here.

That's it.

All we want from you is your opinion on video games and to click some links IF you are going to try a game. We are going to leverage that, at scale across hundreds of members, create and maintain expertise on Play2Earn projects, and all profit together.

When you have any questions about the game or are looking for guidance ask the Villains and Super-Villains above you in the org, they will be happy to help.

Together we all get to bullshit about the things we like online, create something powerful together, and use that creation to profit financially. All without screwing anyone over and full transparency, not bad huh?

And why not? Remember, we're not evil, we're C-Vil!