My Actifit Report Card: January 25 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

Today i wake up early in the morning at 7 am. I found little bit cold outside and water was vary cold that means electricity was not available through out the night. I went to kitchen where i put my gas on and i warm some water for my self. I then went to washroom where i take brush first and then i take bath with warm water. I then spend some time inside my blanket and warm my body. I then spend some time on study and then i make tea and drink it with bread.










After that i wear some new clothes and i went to my university i first take one vechile imamsahib then i take one more vechile at bajbehra. I reach there at 11 am. After that we start moving towards to lasipora industrial area. We reach there at 1 pm. We first visit to cold store where i learn how cold store works and what are its equipments.


After that we visit to near hotel where i buy tea and paratha for myself and eat it. Then we visit to foam making company where i see how foam is formed from the small pieces of plastic. I take few pictures there. Actually this company was my teachers company.

Finally we visit to pipe making company where i see how pipes are made. Then i start travelling back to my home. I reach home at evening. At evening i went to hospital for bringing some medicine for my mother. I then play some games of pubg.

At night i went to market where i buy some foods for my family. Then we eat it. I then went to my bed where i spend some time on reading coronavirus then i start writing my diary post.


_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

Daily Activity, Gym, Running, Shopping, Walking
170 cm
80 kg
Body Fat
20 %
72 cm
73 cm
72 cm

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