My Actifit Report Card: November 7 2023 - Dog Gone Dogs in Converse, TX!

in Actifit6 months ago

Howdy yall. Decided to kick back my fitness regimen into high gear with a distance run in the interconnecting parks in Converse, TX. These parks include:

  • NorthHampton Park (wooded nature trail)
  • Converse City Park (hilly areas)
  • Converse North Park (lakeside area)

As you can see, the thumbnail is a whitetail deer I spotted on the path from the City to North Park. She seemed interested as I zipped through the trail so I waved and said hello.

Common courtesy, right?

The next thing I would like to share is the recurring and unsettling theme of loose dog encounters. First was a family with their dog ahead as I came running from the rear. I obviously did not want to engage the dog's prey drive so I slowed down to a walking pace. Despite the owners commands, the dog did jump up on my but it was friendly not to mention very slender so I did not perceive any threat.

The next encounter would be different

Before we get into it, I had to point out this amusing sidenote. On the way back near the end of the run, there is a Little Caesar's pizza establishment and it sure does out off a tempting aroma. It almost makes one want to go on a detour for some cheesy goodness. Alas! I am trying to get in shape not further out of it so had to fight any impulse.

After this challenge was conquered, I finally make it to my neighborhood and am nearing the home stretch. I make it around the corner to notice two loose dogs. One appeared to have been slightly muscular so suspected it could have been part pit bull or boxer. At this point, I became very serious to not be a victim of a dog mauling. Muscles came within 7 feet or so and flexed as I sharply berated him. I did the whole make myself appear large thing, unholstered my weapon and also yelled for a neighbor just in case.

The dogs disengaged after that but I did not.

Most dogs chase people but I chase dogs. (In Soviet accent) I kid... well kind of.

As a good neighbor, I wanted to get a photo of the dogs for a report on Nextdoor; however, it seems the dogs were actively avoiding me at this point. Something about my tone. I relented in this pursuit and finally made it home. Glad I hit 5000+ but it sure was an eventful one!

Thanks for stopping by ✌️
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Jogging, Running


My son's working a full and part time job right now, the part time at Little Caesars. At the end of the night if there's pizza's left that are made but no one bought they usually go in the trash bin outside, my son says he sits them by the trash bin to see how many minutes it takes people to snap them up. He says it also keeps them from having to crawl in the trash bin to retrieve them.

Guess I just might come home with pizza my next run. Lol why you do this to me? :P

Lol, yup just coincide your run around closing time and you'll be all set. You aren't looking to shabby there, still easy on the eyes, lol.

LOL, that Dog Chase people part got me I can't lie. I wish you could have added a voice not or a video.

Are fire arms allowed in the UK tho?

I'm in the US and I try to stay armed whenever possible (concealed carry) just in case.

I would hate to have to shoot a dog though so gonna make it a point to carry pepper spray. If that doesn't work, it is what it is.

P.s. I did have to pepper spray a loose dog before and it worked thankfully. Also, will try to do video next run. It's really nice scenery

I've never had to use anything on a dog but I imagine it won't be a fun experience. I usually just pick up my speed whenever I think it's a dog I want to be away from. But as your post said, that dog might think I'm here to play with it and give me a good chase.

That's very tragic. I can't imagine having to go through that. My heart goes out to the guy. Shoot if you have to. I've read another story like that about an elderly man eaten by pit bulls in America.

I work as a general practitioner and I've only seen 2 dog-related emergencies throughout my 2 years of practice. I'm going to guess that it's not that common in Nigeria because we don't have very liberal animal laws. There are some tribes that eat dogs over here.
