Bunny Orchid Day in Wahroonga: April 12 2024

in Actifitlast month

A day in a few parts - dropped a bicycle wheel off to get a new one built. Many kms - says Charlie. Did the shopping. Then drove down to Grosvenor Fire Trail to look for bunny orchids

Started out as a banksia day - a few bees busy

New leaves on banksia serratum

Maybe the photo of the day - mini flannel flower - aconitiflorus minor

Lambertia formosa

A different banksia form

Not expecting to see pea flowers flowering - found a few - the twin were easier to photograph

Was nice to walk the peace of the fire trail - been a few weeks. Sure miss having this close to home

Mushroom action.

The paln was to find bunny orchids. I knew where to look

Did find them - 20 flowers in the first cluster. A big challenge to get photos on this device. The ID is hard - a toss up between eriochilus cucullatus and petricola

Leaf is key to ID. Thumb gives idea of size - smaller than an almond

A more

And another leaf

These photos were tough as the white of the petals grabs the light

Sure keen to get my macro photo device back from my son.

Choice - leaning to eriochilus petricola based on the leaf shape

Trade action: Bought ILU.AX, APN.AX

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking, Shopping
