Timetable-ing, Lunch Reflection-ing, Kpop-ing! & My Actifit Report Card: April 24 2024

in Actifit18 days ago (edited)

Today, two new kids requiring intervention were added to my timetable, adding an extra layer of challenge to the next days. It's going to be tiring, but it aligns perfectly with the online course I'm currently taking. Get ready, brain cells, it's going to be a busy one! 😄🧠

As I ate my last packed lunch of the week, I contemplated what culinary delights I'd whip up this weekend for the upcoming workweek.Hmm, decisions, decisions, decisions... 🤔🍱

With just four hours of sleep, I hesitated about going to the fitness studio. However, after indulging in three cups of strong black coffee, I felt the need to work up a sweat. Off I went for an hour of KpopXfitness dance. Now I am really so sleepy.

Laters Actifitters!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Dancing,Moving Around Office


I hope fitness has been good for you, thank you for sharing the report, have a nice day

I love how you're organizing your time with Timetable-ing and taking the time to reflect during lunch. And of course, Kpop-ing is always a fun way to unwind and enjoy music! Keep up the great work and keep sharing your adventures, kabsat!!!! Morning!
