My Actifit Report Card: November 26 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

I have done a few chores today so not to put pressure on my body. Still this cold makes me feel uncomfortable as I sneeze a lot. It makes me drowsy too. So I just want to lay down in bed as much as I could. Tomorrow we will be going to the mountain. I am not sure if the coolness of the breeze or the hotness of the sun will worsen my colds. Still I need to go there because I have something important to settle. I will meet my relatives there from my father side. They texted me yesterday that we will have a meeting tomorrow. The kids were so excited to go there. It has been a long time since we went there. Hope the weather will be good tomorrow. I wanted to sleep early but my classmate will have an exam later. So I will be helping her, that's why I am posting my report early. I think I will be sleeping tomorrow morning already.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores


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