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RE: Goodbye, 2020. Compilation Of This Year's Photos And Some Thoughts

in Actifit3 years ago

A wonderful post showing how we can take advantage of situations we don't have in our own control. Though we have to miss out on certain things, we can always find positivity in dong things differently. This is my summary taken from your post... and I hope many others will see it this same way :)


Thanks @edje. You did a good summary, thank you :-) I will just add one more thing, the attitude that guide us.

We could complaine, but nothing but more sorrow comes from it. Viktor Frankl, one my favourite writers - psychologists, said that the attitude is the only thing nobody can take away from you..

I will find the "original" phrase. Here it is:

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
Viktor Frankl

That;s a perfect addition! Our attitude can make or break us, depending what attitude we allow to be dominant in our minf 💯 And the beautiful thing of attitiude is: This we can change when we want. Its nothing related to our biuological system (at least not for many of us).

Beautiful quotes!