My Actifit Report Card: April 12 2024

in Actifit27 days ago

Breakfast was scrambled eggs and cheese with bacon on a roll. Did some vacuuming around the bedroom and the living room. I helped my wife change the dog’s bedding in the kennel. Took the dog to the trail. We had rain the last too days and the creek was running high again.

Lunch was a burger made with small round steaks. I used potato rolls from the store with potato chips on the side. We watched some television and did more chores.

I took the dog to the trail for the afternoon walk. It was slightly rainy when I started but it slowed when I was there.

When I got back I noticed the pallets I had used to hold my compost heap two had fallen. I had only attached them with twine last year so it was not totally unexpected.

Dinner was pork chops I baked in the oven along with some pierogis I had up in the freezer. Broccoli was the veggie I steamed to go with it. First dessert was chocolate ice cream. We watched episodes of The Blacklist and then ran out to the store for lemon meringue pie.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,House Chores,Shopping,Walking
