
Not necessarily. We just consider it one of the first signs. Skunk Weed is thermogenic, meaning it can push it's way up through a foot or more of snow if necessary! It creates heat as it grows! Kind of interesting. As it matures during the spring, it sports a single yellow pod like flower with a stamen loaded with pollen. It also sports a scent very similar to that of a skunk, hence it's name. The roots are edible; the leaves poisonous, but honestly, I don't think I could get past the smell to eat the roots and even if I did, I think it might spell intestinal disaster for anyone who did!

Oh! That sounds interesting. So many cool things in this earth that many are unfamiliar of.

Exactly! There is so much we can learn from one another. When it gets fully grown, I'll show it on another post, but that will be in 3-4 months unless we have an early warming trend. Take care!

Yeah. Sure. Excited to see how it be like. Though I hope it won't be early summer. I cannot stand 50°C heat index. Lol

You and me both!!