My Actifit Report Card: April 15 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

We played a round at the "red" course where the spring league disc golf is being played. I lost by a few points to my son but I felt like I was doing pretty well. I know I can do better on this course and I'm gradually learning it more. My son is really good at making long throws so he tends to have a bit of an advantage over me. He gained a few points going out of bounds today though.

We had to search for some time for one of his throws and eventually found it half buried under some leaves. Once you get into the rough it can be hard to recover your disc.

I had one throw go into the forest off the fairway but it was pretty easy to find. There was no way to throw it far from that spot though.

I did a little practice down at the local park after dinner too. There were a lot of baseball games going on so I skipped three of the holes. I was just trying to learn a few discs better. It is a very easy course but it does force you to do a variety of different throws so I like it a lot for practicing.

As usual I walked Doggie today too. He's getting slightly better at not barking and growling at everything that moves, lol.

There are lots of flowers out now:

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright lightsplasher & litesplasher.

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Daily Activity, Golf, House Chores, Walking


Wow! I would say that is at peak bloomage! Beautiful!

Right now there are a lot of trees at peak and the air is very fragrant.

I wonder if Doggie likes to pick flowers. Or is he just smelling them?!

Doggie likes to pick up little bits of plastic and inedible items. I think he enjoys it because often I try to get him to "drop it" because I don't want him to get sick eating plastic. Lately I've been letting him carry it around in his mouth and he seems smart enough not to try to eat plastic. He does like to pick the Heather flowers but they make him a bit sick so I've restricted his access.

Thank you so much for your detailed comment.
You have a wonderful four-legged friend :-)

So lucky to find that disc, especially if it was tossed and made its way underneath the leaves. I am glad your son is doing so well. He sounds like he is really enjoying himself too. I didn't realize you had a close park that you could do your practice on. Probably better that you aren't able to abuse your arm by throwing hard. :))

Does Doggie get to socialize much? I had a dog once that didn't want to socialize with any other dog, she would bark and growl. I probably didn't socialize her enough when she was younger. She never was a really good dog, except with the family. She loved the family. Still, I wish I had done it differently, but who knows? That might have been her personality.

Oh, the blooms are incredibly beautiful!

Doggie is kind of more antisocial than I am, lol. He never really got much socialization because of the restrictions around the virus. From day one he has had a rather interesting personality. He is getting a bit more social though (and me too, lol.) :D

My son is really doing great, I'm very happy and proud of him.

You both are! This gold game is really awesome in so many ways!

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a very beautiful blooming flower show, my friend

Thank you, nice to hear from you.