my handsome, everyone is free to write what they want. it is not a replica, I decided to write what I wrote. if you don't like it, don't read it. besides, my dear, you have taken the very wrong place, because for a whole year I have written, copied, replicated everything. I've been waiting for you for a long time. so from here it is clear how much your role is superfluous as you know how to work only with recommendations. you are unable to track anything. you are surrounded by people running to mum because the neighbor has chupa chups. envy and malice reign in this slimy and corrupt environment. people without courage who hide in the dark. these are the relevant presences. not all the grass is made a bundle. I have compiled my report which will be published in serious circles. the inefficiency of hive watcher! the corrupt role of one who has his eyes closed. long live steam and the shady people who march on it. I don't waste any more time justifying anything. I'll share, if I like, the link of the article where every single flaw will be explained. I am the Trojan horse, and you opened the gate and others before you made the big voice as if only they knew. 🤣🤣🤣 heartfelt thanks
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Fermi tutti, è arrivato lo spione😂😂😂mi fate morire.