“One Small Step”………..☺️
A modern piece of gardening equipment, (that is actually a torture device), is the “Garden Claw”!😳
You can check it out in the third photo!😮
Silvertop spent the morning preparing the soil in a small garden plot with this tool!😅
A constant twisting motion with this garden tool……for hours ….. produces excellent rototilled soil for planting!😊
Next weekend, rain or shine, Liz and I have a seedling tree order to pick up at the local nursery conservation group.
25 Shore Pines, 2 sitka spruce, and 2 Noble firs!🤗
This small garden plot is a quick way to get these trees in dirt, especially if it’s raining!😅
“Liz, I need a break, how about a hike!”🥰
One last check of the Bitcoin price, before we headed out the door…………….
I was sitting on a BTC “Buy” order at $79,999…………..
“Silvertop did the order “Fill”?🥰
Score, Liz!👍🤗
The Mrs, and Silvertop, started posting on this blockchain in May of 2018!😊
About that same time we bought our first fractional amount of Bitcoin!😇
It was scary…………………..
Our Local Coin Shop told us to stay FAR Away from this Ponzi scheme!🙄
Years have gone by……the markets, and the BTC price, have “Crashed” and soared many, many, times!
16 years have gone by since Satoshi Nakamoto wrote his white paper, and Bitcoin is still here, still never hacked, and so are Liz and Silvertop!
Posting each day, and dollar cost averaging BTC each week!😊
I try to “drop” encouraging “seeds” of wisdom, when talking to my grownup sons………….
“Boys, the Federal Reserve isn’t Federal, and they have a minimum 2% inflation built into this Fiat currency, they are stealing from all U.S. citizens! BTC has a fixed maximum supply of 21 million!”
You really don’t see the “Forest from the Trees”, until you have been “Around the Sun” a few times……………
I always use the example of Campbell’s tomato soup…….
When I graduated High School, you could buy a can for 9 cents!😊
Today that same can of Campbell’s tomato soup cost an average price according to Grok of $1.30 to $1.40!😳
“ Honey, do you think our boys are listening to Dad? I’m ready for that hike now!”🥰
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io
“One Small Step!”……😊 My Actifit Report Card: March 10 2025
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