All Work And No Play .

in Actifit25 days ago

Hi Actifit family! Happy new month to everyone trying to keep fit and active in one way or the other. It is the new month of June and I'm glad I'm kicking the month off with playing football with the guys. As you all know Saturday mornings for me is for playing football with my friends and hommies. This is one way I try to keep myself fit and my body active . All work and no play makes typebox a dull buy so on Saturdays I do the playing.


We usually play a 5-aside set gameplay with 10 minutes interval and today wasn't going to be an exception. Teams are usually selected at random using a ballot system. This happens to be always free and fair as everyone gets a team to play in . There are usually four teams on ground tagged A,B,C and D .

Today I happened to be selected to play for Team C . Our first game ended in a loss, we bounced back with a win when we played our second set . Our third outing ended in a draw , so at the end we recorded a win , a loss as well as a draw . I didn’t get my name on the score sheet but I tried my best to add a long lasting input in my team with some assists.

After the games, we usually take some time to cool down and reflect on our performance. It’s not just about winning or losing but about enjoying the game and the competition that comes with it. Playing football is a great way to relieve stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Looking forward to more games this month and hopefully getting on the score sheet next time. Stay active and keep pushing, Actifit family!