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RE: Three Tune Tuesday #67 | Coming back with a bang - Gramatik

in Music2 years ago

Boomidy boomidy boom!! Would you look who's back and what's that under her arm?? Yep, that's right some banging hopping tunes, completely new to me and I'm loving it, that first number Muy Tranquilo is gone straight into a few of my playlists, Muy Tranquilo is right, pure chill-fest.... Love it...

Imagine you are in the seafront, the sun is blazing your face, and a light cool breeze comes along for a brief moment. A feeling of warmth inside as you share a beer with your close friends takes place. You take a deep breath feeling grateful for everything you have in your life, happy you are alive to enjoy it 🙏.

Amen... and will ya look at that, the second tune is even better than the first, this is right up my street and completely new, I've a 3 hour journey in my car tomorrow morning, and guess who will be on first thing, yep my boy Gramatik, that's who!

Illusion Of Choice - Woah, what happened me there, was some mash up, my brain is still processing that one, I reckon it'll be a grower too, but on first listen, I liked it too, I'll save the bonus track until later, as I need to get on my way to the next Three Tune Tuner for now... Great to have you back daisy..


Hehehehe so glad you liked it! It's been a while since I brought something you didn't know to #ttt 😁😁😁 I hope your 3h car journey was nice and chilled with Gramatik making you company 😍

Illusion Of Choice - Woah, what happened me there, was some mash up, my brain is still processing that one

No worries, it happened to me too ahahah 😂😂😂

It's great to be back! Thank you so much for such lovely comment 😊 See you soon!