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RE: THREE TUNE TUESDAY- Keeeping it in the family, the other haf of the Dynamic Duo- Steve Russell

in Music4 months ago (edited)

Ahhhh @forykw I don't know about @new.things or @consciouscat but Croatia is a longgggg way from Australia..and lots of $$$$....but you would know that too being in NZ eh...

I am dying to go and will try my hardest, but.....


Australia is a long way from everything !LOL but it is not always a bad thing !LUV We are hoping to do the UK and a bit of Europe but I do not think it will be until 2025

Yes so true and so true too!

I was meant to be going to Thailand on the 27th Feb, but unfortunately my dad died on the 28th after a couple of months in hospital with me by his side every day, so I missed that one, so in reality, I don't think I'll be going anywhere till 2025 either- as much as I would LOVE to go to Hive fest in Croatia in September because I've already missed out on 3 so far...I haven't been anywhere overseas since last Thai trip back in 2014 and have only been up north to QLD a couple of times since, though I am gong back to Cairns for a couple of week in August to catch up with some old that's something...

Sorry to hear about your Dad, but Cairns in August sounds pretty good, a prefect place to visit in the winter months.

Yeah thanks, but it was a blessing in disguise, after all, he got to 88, so not a bad innings....

And absolutely- especially living in the cold in Melbourne since I moved down from cairns in 2005! 😱

Ha I was born in Melbourne and lived there for 20 odd years but have been up in Brisbane for over 30 years now.

I grew up on the far south coast of NSW down near the vic border but never came to Melbs- not once, until I moved down here from Cairns in 2005...🤣

So does that make you AFL or NRL fan?