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RE: MUSIC: Three Tune Tuesday 68 - 3 Songs about "Not Living in Fear" (2 Covers and an Original!)

in Music2 years ago

Hombre... Qué te digo?? Siempre es un encanto escucharte, tienes la chispa hombre! Demasiado genial. Tu pasión y entrega son cosas especiales 🌌✨✨✨


His comment (Google Translate): Man... What do I tell you?? It is always a charm to listen to you, you have the spark man! Too cool. Your passion and dedication are special things

My response: Thank you so very much! I'm really enjoying this challenge I'm setting myself... what theme describes my own original song? What two covers can I learn to set that up and bring the total to "Three Tunes Tuesday"?

Mi respuesta: ¡Muchas gracias! Realmente estoy disfrutando este desafío que me estoy proponiendo... ¿Qué tema describe mi propia canción original? ¿Qué dos versiones puedo aprender para configurar eso y llevar el total a "Three Tunes Tuesday"?

Well that Bob Dylan song was really good, and your original song was the best ending!! 🙂

Man, there's a song that I loved ever since I heard it on the TV series "the end of the fucking world". The song is "Walking All Day" by Graham Coxon. I think that song would suit you very well, for the TTT 😎🎶🎶🎶

Thank you so much - I must check it out! I've never heard of Graham Coxon before.
