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RE: I Forgot The Name of a Band I Used To Listen to And Chat GTP Remembered For Me (Plus The Oldest Rappers In the World?)

in Musiclast year

I've used ChatGPT for all sorts of things and there are times it gets things badly wrong too. However it has helped me write code at times!!


It just was pretty cool it found the name of something on SUCH a vague prompt... Something so vague we couldn't even Google it!

I heat it's good at code. Must save a ton of work for actual coders! I wonder about it taking their jobs though as surely you need someone who knows code to check the code and know what to ask for? Are a lot of coders using it?

I still don't like it's writing style. It lacks personality even though you can prompt it to have one.

It’s funny you mentioning Google because that’s exactly why I tried it out one day. I was struggling to solve a JavaScript filtering problem and couldn’t articulate what I wanted as a search, so like your vague band recollection, I used it in the same way to gradually solve my problem. It was more of a conversation process. It solved part of my problem which at the same time unlocked my brain! It was similar in some ways to chatting with another developer, not quite and I could have gone through this with a colleague but I didn’t want to bother them whilst they were busy.

Will it take our jobs? I hope not and don’t think it will. You can embed AI into code editors, “sidekick” I think it’s called.

I agree it’s not ideal for writing but could be used, I’ve done this, to kickstart writing maybe to outline topics but don’t rely on its accuracy for anything historical or factual!