After the Palme d'Or at the 1969 Cannes Film Festival and the subsequent triumphant distribution (including in the USA) of the film "The Cranes Are Flying" directed by Mikhail Kalatozov, smart Italian producers decided on the project "Red Tent", which was close to the USSR, a large-scale film (as now they say "blockbuster") about one of the most tragic (and at the same time heroic) episodes of the development of the Arctic. Umberto Nobile and his airship "Italia", Roald Amundsen, icebreaker "Krasin" ... I see no point in retelling the plot, whoever watched it knows by heart. Whoever has not seen this masterpiece of world cinema - I heartily recommend watching, especially since it was in the box office in almost all countries, so it was dubbed in the main languages.
Italian producers (namely, they financed the project) focused on the mass audience, on a wide world distribution and on prestigious film awards, promoting the success of this distribution (the film was nominated for a Golden Globe).
Therefore, in addition to Soviet actors, the leading roles were played by world cinema superstars, such as Claudia Cardinale and Sean Connery.
In general, the process of making the film went well, but the Soviet version was released with a soundtrack by composer Alexander Zatsepin. But for the Western audience, the soundtrack from Enio Morricone was used.
And here it's not about different mentality or traditions (which I wrote about in the post "Film music as a means of interethnic communication"), it's just that Morricone was already a world magnitude, his participation in the creation of the film could attract the viewer much more than the name in the credits unknown to the Western public Zatsepin.
Although for me personally, in all honesty, Zatsepin's music, in comparison with Morricone (for all my immense love for his work) specifically for this film, touches much more, for me it is generally one of my favorite soundtracks, it always breaks through to tears .. ...
Well, this is my personal opinion, you can make your own (but it is advisable to watch the film, of course)) I took specifically the same episode.
Here's Morricone's music for western hire
And here is Zatsepin's music, for the rental of Soviet

После "Золотой пальмовой ветви" на Каннском фестивале 1969 года и последующего триумфального проката (в том числе и в США) фильма "Летят журавли" режиссера Михаила Калатозова , сообразительные итальянские продюссеры решились на соместный с СССР проект "Красная палатка", масштабный фильм (как сейчас говорят-"блокбастер") об одном из самых трагических (и вместе с тем героических) эпизодов освоения Арктики. Умберто Нобиле и его дирижабль "Италия", Руаль Амундсен, ледокол "Красин"...Пересказывать сюжет не вижу смысла, кто смотрел - тот знает наизусть. Кто не видел этот шедевр мирового кинематографа - от души рекомендую посмотреть, тем более он был в прокате практически во всех странах , так что дублирован на основных языках.
Итальянские продюсеры ( а именно они финансировали проект) ориентировались на массового зрителя, на широкий мировой прокат и на престижные кинопремии , успеху этого проката содействующие (фильм был номинирован на "Золотой Глобус").
Поэтому в главных ролях, помимо советских актеров, были задействованы супервезды мирового кино, такие как Клаудиа Кардинале и Шон Коннери.
В целом процесс создания фильма прошел нормально, но вот в прокат советский он вышел с саунтреком композитора Александра Зацепина. А для западного зрителя был использован саундтрек от Энио Морриконе.
И тут дело не в различной ментальности или традициях (о чем я писал в посте "Киномузыка как средство межнационального общения" ), просто Морриконе был уже мировой величиной, его участие в создании фильма могло привлечь зрителя гораздо больше, чем имя в титрах неизвестного западной публике Зацепина.
Хотя лично для меня, положа руку на сердце, музыка Зацепина по сравнению с Морриконе (при всей моей безмерной любви к его творчеству) конкретно к этому фильму, трогает намного сильнее, для меня это вообще один из любимейших саундтреков, всегда прошибает до слёз ...
Ну это мнение лично моё, свое можете составить сами (но желательно и фильм посмотреть, конечно))
Я взял специально один и тот же эпизод.
Вот музыка Морриконе для западного проката
См. выше
А вот музыка Зацепина , для проката совестского
См. выше
Слушая Музыку мы чистим наши души. Быть Добру
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The Russian Community @russiancommunity has approved this post as quality content. Keep working in the same spirit. Have a nice day.
Русское Сообщество @russiancommunity одобрило этот пост, как качественный контент. Продолжайте работать в том же духе. Хорошего дня.
Вот не знал, что такие спорные моменты в прокате были у этого фильма!
"Это бизнес, ничего личного" )) Но Зацепину было обидно ..Тем более музло - гениальное
Да, уж... И мне у Зацепина больше понравилась его музыка!
The first thing I did when opening your post, was to play the music by Zatsepin and thought: This type of movie music is used frequently in movies back in time. And then I realised you did talk about an older movie and its music :)
Claudia Cardinale...WOW thats a long time ago I've seen her in a movie. 3 decades to a little more ago I used to watch many of the older movies from between the 20's, 30s and 70's. I think I never seen this one. I never knew (or realised) some of these movies are released with different music and composers.
Who is better, Morricone or Zatsepin? Don't have an opinion yet, need to listen to Zatsepin more as well as Morricone. Both created music in Walz style. Not completely my favourite, hence I'm not sure how Morricone is doing with that type of music (I know much more his later works).
I hear you, the music of Zatsepin may not be that well known in the 'west' or outside Russia, while the producers took a sure bet by bringing in Morricone (I suppose this was in times when Morricone got or became famous with his music for Sierra Leone's spaghetti westerns?). I'm wondering why they didn't use either Morricone also in the Russian edition, or indeed Zatsepin for the 'western' edition. What I do know, is that marketeers had their influence back then already, shown by the way they approached the market with this movie and its music. That in itself is a bit of a shame :(
Well, yes, Morricone was already a size after Leone's films (by the way, it is not clear why the best film composer of the 20th century was ignored by the American Film Academy, we will only award him an honorary Oscar already in the 21st century ... This is nonsense ... Well, or is there some kind of conflict, which is unknown to us yet It’s more strange to me that why did they invite Zatsepin to the film at all, they could perfectly use Morricone’s music in the Soviet box office, especially since this is quite logical, since the main lyrical musical theme is the love of a Swede and an Italian ... "Thank God" that the film did not take the "Oscar", then it would definitely be a shame to the composer "second")) As for the "waltz", .. I really love Morricone, I was at the concert of his orchestra in 2007 - this is a delight ... But I do not like all of his works, due to my musical preferences ... As the size of the waltz suits me , lyrical music, not symphonic ... Well, if a bel canto is added there, like in "For a Fistful of Dynamite" or "Once in the Wild West" ... I can listen and watch endlessly ... Separately there is the theme of "Harmonics" from "Once Upon a Time in the Wild West", a scene of Bronson's duel with the Fund - it's brilliant But the favorite melody forever is the theme from Death Among Icebergs. I watched the film dozens of times ... And the music from it always makes me cry ... Well, in the fatal processing, it's generally magic (for me personally) Here's the guitar version
WooHoo, you know a lot about this guy. In the early days of owning my first ever HIFI system with CD player, I purchased this Live recording on CD ( which I listened to a whole lot. Whenever I heard something else of him, I seemed to return to this CD. I have no idea if this one belongs to one of his best. Maybe quality doesn't have to do anything with my choices, but more like this was the first Ennio CD I owned. I remember a family friends lend me another CD with studio recordings of all his western movie music when I just got my HIFI system, quickly followed by the purchase of my goto album.
Since a few years, my CD player is stored, and dont seem to listen too much Morricone anymore. Have the Godfather and Once Upon a Time in America soundtracks in my favourite list. Wasn't able to find my goto CD on Spotify though. Seems someone spammed Spotify since he past away; Gazillion albums uploaded in 2020.
Sorry for the amendment, but "The Godfather" is still Nino Rota)) Although Roth has my favorite sound for Zefirelli's film "Romeo and Juliet" And I have a compact Morricone always at hand)) Sorry for the quality, filmed the laptop
Thanks for the correction. What do I know then hahaha... I lived for a long time in the wrong universe when it comes to the Godfather. The good thing: I tasked myself to check out Nino Rota since I never don that in my life, and the soundtrack I really love.
Thats really cool! A booklet and all. Also a live session 🎶🙃
да, Зацепинская круче в этом эпизоде! согласна с тобой)) но они там так долго в снегу валяются, жуть, это же холодно ))
Та ну )) Мы в снегу ещё и не то делали )) Любовь греет ))