in Music โ€ข 2 months ago (edited)


Hello everybody! ๐Ÿ˜Š

How are you doing?

Iยดm better, the cold is fading away. ๐Ÿ˜Š
This year I am truly motivated to be more active on Hive and I already did a great job so far. 8 posts this year already, and more than 300 Hive Power collected already! ๐ŸŽ‰

Not only do I want to be more active in posting this year, but I also want to do something to get more people into Hive and to help newbies to have a better orientation.

I know we already have a bunch of stuff for this topic. But I want to use my graphics design knowledge to try and create something that is easy to follow with a nice design. I have a bunch of ideas. Letยดs see what I can get done. ๐Ÿ˜„

The purpose of this post is something else though.


I released soo much music the last years either myself or with the label I am working for, and I lose track. ๐Ÿ˜„ I want to give you a catalogue of all the music with the links to it so you can find and listen to it.

โ–ถ๏ธ This is Part 1 of the Music Catalogue - All Releases with our Label Panda Beats ๐Ÿผ๐ŸŽถ

All releases categorized into GENRES (from A-Z) from newest (on the top) to oldest (on the bottom). I will edit this post and update it as we have new releases.

Of course you can also go to our Website to find all releases as FREE downloads and all links to the main platforms! โ†ฉ๏ธ

(Sorry I donยดt know how to fix the problem with the different sizes of the images. ๐Ÿ˜Œ)

Genre: 8 + 16 BIT MUSIC

Game OverGame Over.pngRelease May 2022Subgenre: /Producer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


Anime Legends 3Anime Legends 3.pngRelease October 2024Subgenre: AnimeProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Anime Legends 2Anime Legends 2.pngRelease May 2024Subgenre: AnimeProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Anime LegendsAnime Legends.pngRelease February 2024Subgenre: AnimeProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


Chill-House Moments 4Final Cover Kopie.jpgRelease July 2024Subgenre: /Producer: BOND77SPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Chill-House Moments 3Chill House Moments 3.pngRelease September 2023Subgenre: /Producer: BOND77SPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Chill-House Moments 2Chill House Moments 2.pngRelease April 2022Subgenre: /Producer: BOND77SPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Chill-House MomentsChill House Moments.pngRelease January 2022Subgenre: /Producer: BOND77SPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


Winter Candy LoFiWinter Candy LoFi.pngRelease November 2023Subgenre: CHRISTMASProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Christmas LoFi 2Christmas LoFi 2.pngRelease November 2022Subgenre: CHRISTMASProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Christmas LoFiChristmas LoFi.pngRelease November 2021Subgenre: CHRISTMASProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


Neonpunk0x1900-000000-80-0-0.jpgRelease September 2024Subgenre: CYBERPUNKProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
DoompunkDoompunk.pngRelease June 2023Subgenre: CYBERPUNKProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
CyberpunkCyberpunk.pngRelease September 2022Subgenre: CYBERPUNKProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


Nuke Dropimage.pngRelease June 2022Subgenre: DUBSTEPProducer: NEWEN XSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER

Genre: EDM

Candy Tripimage.pngRelease February 2022Subgenre: EDMProducer: IDOWNTNOSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER

Genre: EPIC

Heroes Epic Battleimage.pngRelease January 2023Subgenre: EPICProducer: IDOWNTNOSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


Trick or Treat Lo-Fiimage.pngRelease October 2023Subgenre: HalloweenProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Halloween lo-fi 2image.pngRelease October 2022Subgenre: HalloweenProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Halloween lo-fiimage.pngRelease October 2021Subgenre: HalloweenProducer: BEATRAXX (Thatยดs me ๐Ÿ˜„)SPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER

Genre: LOFI

Anime LoFiimage.pngRelease March 2023Subgenre: AnimeProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Kitsune LoFi 2image.pngRelease July 2022Subgenre: AnimeProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Kitsune LoFiimage.pngRelease March 2022Subgenre: AnimeProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Streamer Momentsimage.pngRelease November 2021Subgenre: LoFiProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC Currently not available / DEEZER
Somewhat Redimage.pngRelease December 2020Subgenre: LoFiProducer: NEWEN XSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Quite Blackimage.pngRelease December 2020Subgenre: LoFiProducer: BEATRAXX (Thatยดs me ๐Ÿ˜„)SPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Just Mintimage.pngRelease December 2020Subgenre: LoFiProducer: IDOWNTNOSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Almost Whiteimage.pngRelease December 2020Subgenre: LoFiProducer: WHOISTIMSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


Minimal TwoAlbum Cover Kopie.jpgRelease January 2025Subgenre: /Producer: BOND77SPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Minimal Techno OdysseyMinimal Techno.jpgRelease April 2024Subgenre: /Producer: BOND77SPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


Elevator Swing500x500-000000-80-0-0.jpgRelease November 2024Subgenre: CHILL SWING/JAZZProducer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


DMCA Autonomousimage.pngRelease May 2021Subgenre: /Producer: BEATRAXX (Thatยดs me ๐Ÿ˜„)SPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
DMCA Accelerateimage.pngRelease March 2021Subgenre: /Producer: IDOWNTNOSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
DMCA Automaticimage.pngRelease February 2021Subgenre: /Producer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
DMCA Aerodynamicimage.pngRelease February 2021Subgenre: /Producer: GHOSTPRODUCERSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER


Bohrmaschineimage.pngRelease August 2023Subgenre: DRILLProducer: NEWEN XSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Nite Trapimage.pngRelease January 2022Subgenre: TRAPProducer: NEWEN XSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER
Bear Trapimage.pngRelease September 2021Subgenre: TRAPProducer: NEWEN XSPOTIFY / YOUTUBE / APPLE MUSIC / DEEZER

Phew this was a loooong post that took a few hours to make. ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜‚ But I am happy that I finally have this and can only extend it with new releases.
Hope everything is right with the links. There are so many, if you spot a wrong one, please let me know.

I hope there is something in there for you! ๐ŸŽถ

Even if you donยดt stream or make videos. The music is also good for letting it play in the background while working or relaxing. ๐Ÿ˜Š

If you miss any genre you would like to see, please let us know so we can close our gaps!

To be able to keep going with offering free music for you, we appreciate every little stream or follow, no matter on what platform! Or spreading the word about our music, if you know someone that could need it. Thank you! ๐Ÿ’œ

I hope you like the music, and see you soon! ๐Ÿ˜



Raven Divider2.png

I am very thankful for everyone who supports me on my journey!!

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Brain CandyBandcampDoctor Who NFT game made by BBC
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Sehr cool. Ich hab dir eine Kleinigkeit fรผr ein Hunde Leckerli gesendet.
Rehived :-)

ย 2 months agoย ย 

Vielen Dank! =)
Freue mich darรผber so sehr, wirklich!! Sehr coole Geste!
Und mein Hund freut sich bestimmt noch mehr. ๐Ÿ˜„
Oder die Hunde an die ich was spende. Danke!!


I'm glad you're feeling better !

Having a post with a complete catalogue like this is really helpful - is it a mix of copyright free and copyrighted, or is it all copyright free ? Seeing it in this format makes me realise how much you create, and I'm impressed that with this volume you always keep the quality high ๐Ÿ˜€


Did you hear about the restaurant in space?
Great food, no atmosphere.

Credit: reddit
@ravenmus1c, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of alonicus



ย 2 months agoย ย 

Thank you!! =)
Yes it is also helpful for me too. If someone asks for an overview I can send the post. ;)
No itยดs not a mix. ALL songs are copyrightfree! Every song we will ever publish under this label will be copyrightfree forever. So people really donยดt have to fear using it.
You can even download all songs on our website for free. Although we are happy of course if people stream it on platforms, so we earn a little bit with it to keep going. ๐Ÿ˜Š But downloading is absolutely ok. Using it in videos, streams, no problem. The only thing you are not allowed it to reupload it on streaming platforms yourself only as a piece of music to sell it or earn streaming rewards with it.

Yes I was surprised myself how much music we managed to create in only 4 years! Itยดs impressive. Only on Spotify we have more than 60k monthly listeners and more than 10 Million streams. Without even all the other platforms.
Thanks for your interest! =)

This is awesome!! I am not sure I have a need for music at the moment, but it almost makes me want to find a use. ๐Ÿ˜€

ย 2 months agoย ย 

Thank you! =) Happy you like our label!
Well, you can just listen to a music without "using" for something. This is always a reason. ;)

I already noticed that you made a lot of songs for Panda Beats. I like the old electronic style music. Some of the songs remind me of the old C64 and Amiga games.

ย 2 months agoย ย 

Yeah well I did not make all of these. It would be too much music producing for 1 person. Impossible to make. We are a few producers. Thatยดs also what I wrote behind every release. Who made it.
Yes I love this old music style too! Somehow for me itยดs much easier to produce 80s and 90s sounds than modern music. :D

Yeah, I was talking about the Songs with the 'Beatraxx' tag on it.

ย 2 months agoย ย 

Oh sorry I missunderstood. Well thank you! =) Happy you like it! Hope to produce some more soon. But I am still producing other stuff and need to get it done first.

You just got DUO from @chaosmagic23.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

I never knew there was a subgenre called Anime. Thinking it has something to do with the cartoon series?

ย 2 months agoย ย 

Yes itยดs very much connected to the music in these typical cartoons.

whoh you have a whole coin?

Is it a hive layer 2 coin?

ย 2 months agoย ย 

Yes exactly L2 coin on Hive. It is like an entry to my fanclub. Buyers get special rewards, like NFTs, unreleased songs etc.

Will send some money to this chain next week when I get my paycheck, so will buy a little of that too

Very little though just to test it out

ย 2 months agoย ย 

Before you buy, it would be great to read about it, so you understand the concept and know what you are buying!
You can find all info in here:

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ย 2 months agoย (edited)ย 

Hive.Pizza upvoted this post.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
alonicus tipped ravenmus1c
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ravenmus1c tipped davideownzall

Learn more at

that's quite a lot of work to be just one year!


ย 2 months agoย ย 

Oh itยดs not 1 year, the label is 4 years old. But still, we created alot of work with only a few producers. :) I am very proud how the label is going!

ohhh i tought it was a 1 year recap, my bad, that in fact would have been really good as you even leave the use for free...already professional musicians with lot of money take a lot of time for few songs (and possibly don't even write the music or do much job by themselves)

ย 2 months agoย ย 

Oh yes. For me itยดs impossible to make a song in less than 6 hours. And that is very fast already. I normally need much longer...