I am a big fan of one bag fits all for traveling purposes, I despise traveling with more than one bag, especially when I take flights from one destination to another. Maybe because I hate being charged extra for excess baggage or the stress I would go through waiting to pick up bags in the baggage claim area, whatever the case may be I avoid it.
The thing with baggage is that they are not only physical but can take other forms like emotional baggage and just the way physical baggage stresses me out, waste my time, and slows me down, so does emotional baggage.
I am one to quickly notice any form of emotional baggage and drop it off immediately I notice because I do not have the time to worry over anything ... I know what I want from life and living life fully is the focus and baggage in whatever form can not be tolerated.
I have had lots of emotional baggage in my past one major one was fear and insecurities, oh I use to have lots of them, and these insecurities came from toxic words I hear, and toxic experiences I had to witness or hear about. It wasn’t happening to me but I was already scared of the unknown.
I had problems going into a relationship because it seems everyone’s relationship was going south, in my head mine would end up the same way there was no need to try, had a problem living life because of fear of anything going wrong, it took a lot to overcome that aspect of my life but when I did, I never looked back.
One way I overcame fear was exposing myself to them. I had to first acknowledge what the problem was, I was tired at the time of living the way I was, with no love, no fun all fear.
First, I cut off negative information that would feed into my fear, I decided to only listen to amazing things of life because I use to get easily affected by my word so when I filtered that out, I was able to take the bold step, ditch fear and live life.
years after, I have no regrets because I have been living my best life and will continue to live life to its fullness, thanks to letting go of my emotional baggage.
From my experience letting go of any emotional baggage is imperative for anyone to live a happy and fulfilled life. It is easy to get dragged into the experiences but that can seriously ruin the future and even our present. Your emotional baggage might not be fear or insecurities like mine, it could be guilt, shame, hate, regret even stress but whatever it is letting go is the best way to live life to its fullest.
I made a personal decision to always let go of anything or anyone that would reduce/limit my quality of life or undermine my happiness and life has been great so far.
This is my response to this week's #KISS question I invite @winniecorp to give her responses too
To live a full life, we should indeed try to get rid of negative emotions from past experiences and get as far away from toxic people as possible. There is only one life, and we have to live it in the best possible way. And enjoy it to the fullest.
You have no idea how you’ve impacted my life with this post.
I’ve been living life lowkey in fear and I was going to turn down an invitation that I was scared of but after this I’m saying yes.
Thanks for tagging me, I really needed to see this 🥰
awww winnie @winniecorp please do let fear hold you back from anything... you never know what you would be missing out if you don’t take chance.
I am glad i helped
Exactly 🤗
Hello @estherscott
I believe everyone burdens with emotional baaagae of some sort at some points in their lives. It's just important for us to recognise that (as you seem to do) and do everything in our power to change our way of thinking.
Thanks for your #KISS
I enjoyed it 😉
lips sealed