Stripping Down Needless Frills

in The MINIMALIST3 months ago

Hanging loose is tricky business, yet nevertheless imperative if one is to live a meaningful, truly content life. Taking a page from my recent chat with @mrprofessor, I'm thinking today about something he terms "social minimalism". Not for nothing, but Barcelona's ample second-hand or "vintage clothes" market is giving my other minimalist ideas a serious run for their money.

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I've never been able to do loud. I don't like parties. I don't like loud gatherings, drugs, all that hazy bullshit that commonly passes for "fun". It's not for me, and it wouldn't be genuine if I tried. So I've always adhered to a strict minimalist practice when it comes to my friends. Less is more, both in quantity and interaction. I'll take a few quality hours spent genuinely engaging over meaningless shopping or "hanging" any day. I find great value in one-on-one. In intimacy, in getting to really know a person.

When I was younger, I worried that made me desperately unfun. I'd always get flustered when meeting someone new, as I worried my simple social life would be written off as dull. Now, I'm at a point where I write the people who do that off as dull, and remove them from my limited air space.

It's a small step, but a first step towards a change I've been needing. For me, the area of my life where I need most change is the social aspect. While I've always had a knack for getting along with most people, I have a hard time making friends. Or rather, I'm struggling a bit towards finding "my people".

When I was young, I thought such connections would come easily, naturally, as long as you were doing everything else right. Now, I worry they're rare, easy to miss, difficult to find. While I have enough friendships not to feel alone, I'm starting to doubt their quality. While I enjoy them, I'm starting to sense myself and these people growing apart.

Minimalism is only one of many points on which we don't see eye-to-eye.

I'm finding it hard to stay friends with people who need a lot of frills to be content, and I see some of my closest people slipping towards that.

It's equally hard maintaining a relationship with people who seem to be turning more towards an urban, mainstream life when I sense myself slipping more and more away from it.

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The clearer it becomes to me who I am and what I feel about the world, the more evident it becomes that I'm not in the right relationships. I'm looking for people who chase experience, not shopping apps. I need people in my life concerned with higher planes, at the risk of sounding arrogant. Whose idea of connection doesn't involve Wi-fi bars. I need people who don't know what the happening bar is in town, and who don't go out to compare clothing.

I need people who embrace alternative, rather than scoff at it and dismiss it out of hand.

I need people who, when they meet you, say "oh, so you did that..huh..." not "but you should've done this instead".

I need people whose social minimalism matches my own, otherwise I don't think we can be happy for very long.

So what am I doing towards that?

For one, I've learned to stop defining myself by the way other people see me. If you think I'm dull, weird, crazy or whatever, doesn't mean I am. It just means we won't have a very good time together.

I'm also working to reassess. Constantly. I mentioned hanging loose. The trick to doing life right is constantly reassessing, even when you think you've got it all figured out because chances are you don't. I'm weighing who I am and what I need, what kind of connection could feed my soul, what deadens it.

I'm learning that trusting my gut is an ongoing process as opposed to finite. What does your gut say now? seems to be the best solution to most quandaries. Which isn't to say it always leads you right. Just that it's probably the safest choice. When you don't know what's right, go with your gut. Maybe it turns you wrong, but at least you will have done what felt right, and that's all we can aspire to.

Finally, I'm trying to connect more with people who share my values, even if I have to seek them out. I'm seeking out people who dress weird and don't care. Who value crazy quirky shit, a one-of-a-kind gift, a moment of someone paying real attention to you, being heard and offering kindness, over meaningless pleasantries and superficial hangouts.

There was a time in my life when I thought you needed big circles of people, when I thought relationships could only look a certain way. But now that's changing. I'm starting to see you don't need big circles, or to party. That you can be okay with things you can't define, as long as they're true to you.

Will it work? I'll get back to you on that.

This is my contribution to the #TransformationThursday Weekly Daily Theme. Don't tell anyone, but I'm completely biased. This has always been my favorite of the themes. Just because we're always transforming. Constantly. All the time. The only way to navigate that is by hanging loose, and being open to change. Even when it means changing opinions, views and relationships you thought were cemented.

Check out the themes. Chances are, you're changing as you read this. So why not take the opportunity of someone being interested in hearing about it?



Those one to one meetings and outings are truly better.

That easy on the wallet trip to a cafe or a gamehouse with a friend.
The memories last way longer than when your drunk or high in a dancefloor 😂😂

Hmm, I don't know about that! I have some amazing memories of being high on the dance floor and that was 30 years ago:)

Of course there are some high memories that do last😂😂😂
Although they're not that often 😂😂

I remember being storming wasted with my friends on a small house party for graduating 2nd year of the university.

It was a raving laughing fest, yet none of us were cracking jokes😂😂😂😭🤣

 3 months ago  

I definitely see where you're coming from. Everyone has a couple great memories of being either (or both), but I think for the people doing that every single night, it stops being something worth remembering :D


I think the more we evolve and grow in heart and mind as a person, the more our ideals evolve and shape themselves into being what we need for our peace of mind.
I'm looking forward to hearing how this works out for you. I'm shaping my mind as well as I grow and I hope I'm making the right decisions.

 3 months ago  

<3 I saw. I really enjoyed your post, as it resonated with the place I'm at in life right now. So thank you for that!

[]If you think I'm dull, weird, crazy or whatever[] then just be dull, weird, crazy or whatever. We cannot control what others think of us. There'll be people who hate us for no reason and others who love us for the same reason.

 3 months ago  

I know. I used to think I could change or should try to change it. Then I grew up a bit, got more confident. All good now ;)

The coolest thing about getting old is not giving a fuck XD
I wanna reach that level of oldness where ppl say stuff we generally think but dont say, but old folks say anyway because nobody's gonna punch an old person.

 3 months ago (edited) 

I feel you on what you're experiencing.
It's the same for me, I move around a lot and think people are sometimes unsure what to make of me. I've never been one to make an effort to make an impression (I draw a fine line for job interviews if you don't like what you see it's your loss or the best thing for both of us in the long run.
I've always had a small circle of friends, and yes, as you grow, you'll find that you start to see how your views differ, maybe you'll both be at the same stage, but at different times... if that makes sense:)))

 3 months ago  

Unsure what to make of me - I feel that. It's striking especially because with some people, it becomes clear they don't like people they can't wrap their heads around or fit into a nice box. They're confused.

if you don't like what you see it's your loss 's the best thing for both of us in the long run.

I've never been to a job interview, but I'm definitely not working up a good meek attitude for them ;)) Yeah, I've found that to be true and to come easier the more you practice it.

maybe you'll both be at the same stage, but at different times... if that makes sense

It does make sense.Thank you always for the beautiful, guiding words. <3

Alll I can say is goodluck to all of us on this journey, we can’t tell when we’d get there but I know for a fact that we are not going to quit.

This was truly beautiful thank you my !Lady🥰🥰

I swear you are me.

I could have written this post exactly.

My only qualm is what happens when my parents and Jamie go (though I'll go before Jim, I swear!) as they are my people. Sometimes I do get lonely and cry out for support and love - but I just think I haven't found that tribe yet, you know? I like people. It's just the right ones are hard to find.

 3 months ago  

Yeah, I get that feeling whenever I read you, too, my dear. <3 And isn't it a lovely thing? Hive has been one of the best things in this quest of semi-loneliness. It's shown me there's actually people out there who think like me, who can exist outside whatever is "the norm".

as they are my people.

I love that so much, as I feel the same towards my own mother and brother. Which you're not supposed to. When I was younger, my friends could never understand why I hung out so much with my family. Erm because I like them? It took some growing up to realize how lucky that is. How few people actually like their parents and want to hang out with them as they grow older.

You wrote a post, maybe last month (?), about how you met Jamie in England, how you were supposed to meet some other guy somewhere, but then just met Jamie and knew. Can't tell you how much I loved that, and how much hope that gave. <3

I just think I haven't found that tribe yet, you know? I like people. It's just the right ones are hard to find.

Yet. :)

And yeah, I get the feeling exactly.

See me smiling... I feel you, girl, because I don't just understand. As I read, I see the qualities I possess. How a few friends I have and how I so much love my peace. It is always beautiful, and when you are with a circle that gets it. Not the party, let's smoke kinda people to have fun. We'll, I have no problem with them, only that, I can't be friends with them.

I have always had a small circle of friends until I thought I was missing out on a lot of things happening out there. I took the step to mingle but kept slipping off the cliq because I couldn't keep up with their burning vibes.

My idea contradicts theirs and they weren't adding a pinch of value to me. I walked away and realised that it was pointless having a big circle of friends.

I believe the more we grow, the more we realise a lot of things not just about us but also about those around us. Somehow, I have been able to connect with people who share the same values with me and that's a huge blessing for me.