What You Think, You Become

in The MINIMALISTlast month

It’s always amazing to me how many times we see or hear the right things at the exact moment we’re in confusion, or seeking some form of solace. I stumbled on two quotes earlier this week and their equal similarity and relatability to the things I’ve been thinking about almost felt uncanny.

The first quote is by David McKay and it says, “Our thoughts shape us; we become what we think.” And the second quote was by Buddha “The mind is everything; what you think, you become.” It’s weird that I would randomly stumble on these quotes at the most unlikely places in two consecutive days and so it became apparent to me that it was sending me a message.

If there is ever a place I enjoy being in but which also terrifies me, it would be my mind. It’s one of those reasons you would never catch me saying, “I’m bored.” It’s like the blessing and the curse of a creative. My mind is a world on its own. I build and destroy. I restructure and transform. I create and erase, and in those times, I could end up feeling energised in an unbelievable way. Or I could end up feeling exhausted and out of sorts the entire day. The depths to which this takes makes me uncomfortable sometimes and so I consciously try not to delve too deep in the recesses of my mind.

When I was much younger, things felt easier. When I didn’t want to think about something or someone, I just pushed them away. It was like flipping a switch. My out of sight, out of mind all happened in my head. If I didn’t want to think about something or ponder about someone, maybe their actions was stressing me out, I’d will the thought of this person or this event to the back of my head and that would be it.

It was why people leaving my life or things not working a particular way for me didn’t affect me for too long. I’ll say to myself that I hate how this was making me feel and then I’ll push it away. I got so good at it to the extent that I’ll truly forget this particular thing or person existed. And so a few weeks later and the person who offended me would apologise and I’d ask. “But when did that happen?” and when the person would see that I was being serious and truly didn’t remember, they’d have that weird look on their face like they were trying to fathom who was in front of them.

When I was younger, it felt like a superpower. I could make events and people disappear from my mind just by clicking that mental switch. It was easier to focus then. To concentrate on what was important and set my priorities right. I could build and create the things I wanted, work towards whatever I had going on, and what ever didn’t sit right with me went down the drain.

It was all much simpler when I was younger.

I don’t know when it happened but it’s like this African proverb that says, “Since the hunter had learnt to shoot without missing, the bird has learnt to fly without perching.” I watched my mind slowly begin to adapt to my resistance and in a way, it become stubborn. I could still will things away but not everything I wanted, and certainly not with the dexterity I used to have. If I’m confronted with something and my mind wants to dwell on it, I’d be unable to shake that feeling off. It became frustrating.

I’m facing something in a few weeks that makes my heart skip a beat each time I imagine it not coming through. I think of all the repercussions. I think of the hurt I’d feel. I think of the disappointment in the faces of my loved ones and I just want to disappear. Why isn’t easy to block out everything and everyone like I used to? Why can’t I just shut my mind from the negativities and just do what I need to do?

Where I am heading...

I’m learning to properly embrace my mind. It’s hard when you’re actively trying to work against the one thing that may even be keeping you safe. I read those quotes I mentioned earlier and I’m learning not to be a slave to my mind but its master. I’m channelling the frustrations I’ve been feeling of recent towards building. My mind becomes too busy sometimes to truly see and concentrate on what matters so I’m reshaping it to serve me well. I’m reshaping it so I don’t get trapped in my own mind. It’s daunting but I’m gaining clarity with a each day that passes. And boy, does that feel good.

I’m a work in progress and I’m constantly transforming. I don’t know if I’ll fully achieve my aim. But I sure as heck would give it my best shot!

This is my response to the Minimalist’s #TransformationThursday Weekly Theme. Do check it out and maybe give it a go. You may be surprised how refreshed you’d feel afterwards.


All images are mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I also randomly come across these kinds of quotes and sayings when I really need them. It’s more like the universe sending them my way to tell me something.

I get that thing about our brains failing us at times. It’s more like you trying to keep this person out of your mind but then, your heart beats and they come to mind . Then your heart starts beating faster again. Then you try to push them out of your mind only for you to start thinking about your exams results that’s going to be released the next day and you get scared. Its weird but, just stay in the best positive place in your mind that you can.🤭

Thank you dearest and it's wonderful to see that you resonate with me and this post, by extension, so well.

And it's one of those reasons why I tey to remain detached in a way from people. Because the closer they get, the harder it is to just randomly dismiss them.

And I'll keep trying. With exams at hand, and everything in between, the best I can do for myself is to protect my mental health. I hope you're doing well, my love. It was truly uplifting, reading this comment.🥰

You’re a big woman so I’m sure you’d be fine. I’m good though. All the best in your exams!❤️

I like to ask myself how a thought is beneficial. If it is not than It is not something I focus on. !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
@wanderingmoon just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @jhymi.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

That's an amazing question to ask oneself. I should definitely incorporate it into my daily life. Thank you for this!🌼

I can totally relate to everything you pointed out in your post. The chaos that goes on in my mind is alarming, my face looks all calm and collected but oh boy you don't wanna see what's cooking in my mind.

One thing I am sure of is that it gets better every day, we all will be fine😃

We most definitely will. My resting bitch face actually masks a plethora of thoughts all jumbled together. But I'm learning to curtail all of that for a more wholesome mind. Glad to have you here, dear.🌼

My mind is a world on its own. I build and destroy. I restructure and transform.

Oshey Rabbi Jhymi 😂😂😂

Of course you'll highlight that part. I'll beat you, this guy.😂

Should the rabbi be following the way of violence 😭😔

I think that as we get older things change in some way and our minds change as well. I have a family member who has the same thing that happened to you, so I can understand you a little bit. Sometimes it would be so nice just to be able to forget things quickly 🤗 But every change gives us the opportunity to do things we didn't think we would be able to do before. I'm sure you will be able to 💟

I can agree to this. That's why I'm constantly building. Trying my best to ensure that my life takes on the path that I choose. That I love a life of no regrets and I'm grateful for every thing that comes to me. Thank you so much for this hearty comment. Have a pleasant time ahead.🥰

 last month  

If there is ever a place I enjoy being in but which also terrifies me, it would be my mind.

I love this sentence. We need that terrifying little agent that is the mind, though. To help steer. What a beautiful meditation for #TransformationThursday, my friend. Thank you :)

I'm glad to see I'm not weird for thinking like that then and that you could make sense of what felt to me like ramblings. It was a pleasure participating in #transformationthursday. Till next time.🥰

You've said it all, we become what we think, which is why it's important to fill our minds with positive thoughts so as to be better versions of ourselves.

That's exactly it. Maintaining positivity in our minds and as an aura is the surest way to peace of mind and a more wholesome life.🌺

 last month  

This was such a lovely reflection and introspective view of how you deal with and process things. The mind is powerful, indeed, and learning to understand what and how we think is imperative.
Best wishes on what you're looking forward to:)

Thanks for sharing this with the theme!


Free Photo Canva

I'm glad to see that you saw beyond what I felt were aimless ramblings. Another effect of a never resting mind. 😄

This initiative was everything I looked for to liberate myself and my mind. So it was so amazing that I got to participating. Thank you for the wishes and I hope you have an amazing time ahead as well.🥰

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @bhattg suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️
🙏 Don't forget to Support Back 🙏

Thank you so much @bhattg🌺

 last month  


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

Thank you so much! It was a pleasure participating in this awesome initiative.🌺

I truly hope you get to achieve your aim. It is not easy, especially when the mind seems to be at war. It gets tiring, and you'd just want to find a place to hide yourself and be alone. It is well.

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