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RE: Collect Memories & Assets, Not Dust......

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

In the past a lot of minimalists got caught up with quantity and very basic colors, more people started giving flair to it which makes this lifestyle pretty doable.

I have noticed that also, and I'm happy about it because I like a more individualist approach to minimalism than anything formulaic.

It's so easy to accumulate stuff, that we sometimes feel as if we're going in a circle of collecting, regretting, donating, replacing etc.

It's good that you're back in your place now, and it's also a new chapter of your life since your dad passed, which might find you growing in different directions that you'll have to embrace.🤗


It's so easy to accumulate stuff, that we sometimes feel as if we're going in a circle of collecting, regretting, donating, replacing etc.

So true! sometimes we also get caught up in that cycle. But in the end, that makes us realize some of the most important things in life such as collecting memories and/or experiences rather than dust😊
