Tidal trap

Hi everyone... this time I will tell you about one way to catch fish in the estuary. It turns out there is a way to catch fish or shrimp by taking advantage of the ebb and flow of sea water . This time I was at the mouth of a river which is directly connected to the sea.I saw a set of fish and shrimp traps that would operate when the water was high or low.The tool is Jermal





Jermal is a passive fishing tool in the form of a trap, which consists of stakes which are wings, a Jermal net and a Jermal house.
Unfortunately, currently the water level is neither high nor low, so I couldn't take photos while the Jermal was being operated 😔😔,Next time I'll show you guys if I'm lucky enough to get a photo. By the way, have any of you ever seen this tidal fish trap?