
You had some excellent posts! Thanks for continuing to post quality content even though you went through the stuggles to get here. I'm glad you didn't give up and your hard work is paying off and your photography is always appreciated here! Cheers

Well, at this moment I'm happy to announce that I was released from the penalties due to my mistake, so it's the best time to continue with more strength. I must say however that without your support I would hardly have made it this far. A big hug and we'll keep seeing each other around here.

Glad that i could help encourage and motivate you with moral support to continue on. That makes me feel good to be helpful in such a way. We all make mistakes... and not everyone that makes mistakes is a scammer. Unfortunately, we do have a lot of scammers and too many honest new people that make mistakes usually quit when they have such a setback. Glad you were not one of them and that now moving forward... the sky is the limit!