Dances (12 pics)

Hello, my friends.

Hello Photography Lovers!


Now Monday has come to an end. I didn't even notice how the weekend went. I remember what happened on Sunday, but where did Saturday go? I lost her!
Of course, I remembered what I was doing on Saturday. It turned out that these were ordinary household chores. And on Sunday, my daughter performed at a local club. She goes to the dance section and it was their final performance of the year. The daughter danced 5 dances.
Last night I sat down to process the photos, but I didn't have time to finish this case.
The problem is that I had to raise the ISO to 2000 to make the shutter speed at 240-320. If you make the shutter speed long, then all the photos will be blurred. I took a place on the balcony to take pictures a little from a height, not from the bottom up.

The lighting during some of the dances was very dim. For such filming, a high-power lens is required. But you also need to have a large zoom range.



Here she is my daughter.
It was difficult to find her among other equally beautiful girls. My eyesight is not very good. Thanks to my granddaughter. She saw it first.



In this dance, the daughter was very sad. Why? She said she messed up a little, made a mistake, so then she was worried.

It's not me! This is some kind of professional cameraman engaged in videotaping dances. Unfortunately, I don't have a video camera yet. I had a VHS standard camera. Remember these?

The concert lasted 2 hours. I fired 800 shots. I still need to select photos of my friends' children. I'll be doing this thing tomorrow afternoon.



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Good luck and have fun


You got some cool shots! I think i like the first one the best! =)

Thank you very much for your kind words!