
sure thing! ps. when I started photography with DSLR, this was my very prominent error. I was inspired by the idea of getting a) more sharp and detailed photos, b) with less digital noises - so I shoot mostly with ISO 400 or less, and aperture 4-5 > thus, was getting shutter speeds at 1/30 and less automatically... not only indoors but outdoors too... well, I long grew up from that xD

My first fascination with DSLR was long exposure and lightpainting, but i did photograph a lot of on stage stuff. and amateur theatres and stages usually don't have a great light. so i accepted the noise (and a lot of BW). was also lucky to make a decision and buy 50mm 1.8 from the start, helped a lot.

but if you don't aim for photography prizes and shoot for memories you can get away with a lot. i do have some shots that are blurry, noisy but are a great capture of a moment for everyone. i just don't look at them in full screen on my new monitor 😁

ha! canon 50 1.8 was my 1st lens too - and the only one, for like 6-7 years. awesome starting point of evolution.

i also got the kit 18-55 with the camera, but if you have to be on a budget there is nothing better than plastic fantastic 50mm :)

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