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RE: Five Easy (?)... Memories - Memory Lane Contest

in Photography Lovers • 3 years ago

😂 Dracula, he is legit.

The stray dogs I feel bad for. People need to take care of them, they suffer a lot, still, but behind the scenes. Dogs are the most loyal individuals and created by man, so we have the obligation to treat them in the best way.

Sorry I get emotional when it comes to that topic, with animals and our planet period. 😇


I understand you very well! I am a dog lover without being an activist. You're right, dogs, like other animals, suffer because of humans. The less evolved the society in a country, the greater the suffering of animals.

I think humans have lost the sense of respect towards this planet with all its diversity. Somewhere along the line we took the wrong path. But the more people change the better and who knows, maybe one day we are one with everything again.

Have a great weekend :)

Thank you, wish you the same! I'm old enough not to have a chance to see what you hope will happen to this world.