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RE: Photography Lovers Community Contest: Calling All Photographers

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

Thanks for the kind words and appreciation for the beauty! I think those purple ones were Lilac. They have a really cool arrangement naturally and i find that the sky is often an excellent backdrop in showcasing what is being photographed. I have always liked shooting from a bottom-up point of view. It almost makes me think that's what a bug might see from down there! hahaha

You have some excellent macro and other shots on your blog! I would say you seem to have an artistic eye for the extra ordinary. Talent can be cultivated... the natural eye is more difficult to come by! Keep up the great shots and i do hope you give this week's theme a go for the contest.


Thank you for the tip and the encouragement. I also love the sky as the backdrop. Yes, maybe it is a bug's life....