Happiness is not always connected with money

Hello Photography Lovers,

Hope you are doing well and year 2021 started in good spirit for you. If you are holding some BTC I am sure it is :) What do you think, what will happen with crypto in near future? Is it really only a start or you advise to sell while it is hot? Well, I don’t have this problems as I am holding only Hive or to be more precise only Hive Power :) That means I intend to stay with you here for a while, hope you don’t mind. But I would still love to see Hive rise anyway. 1$ mark seems just perfect for me. It would make me feel better, but wouldn’t make me power down. That intro belongs more to other communities, but hope you don’t mind a bit of change for the intro. People are talking about crypto on every corner, so why shouldn’t I include it in my post.

I have a bit of shortage with my ideas for new topics of publications. Speaking about money and crypto, I decided to turn myself to Africa where most of people doesn’t know crypto and don’t even have a dollar or other local currency. Tribes in Ethiopia wouldn’t know what to do with Bitcoin nor the money out of it. When I visited Africa for the first time, I saw how money can spoil people. They are really happy with the little they have, at least they seems happy. I know that the quality of life and all connected things can not be compared with developed World, but it is awesome just to look them dancing and singing half naked and enjoying the moment.

Below are few happy faces from my African adventures…












I don't think we should invest in cryptos with the idea to make money out of it.
We should rather look at the project that's behind the crypto asset.

I love the way you brought this point to our consciousness, it reminded me while visiting Bangladesh, seeing the most beautiful smile. And despite poverty people seemed to be more happy than I ever been!

Maybe the secret for happiness is to enjoy simple things and to accept who we really are and what we can do instead of dreaming of being someone else.

You have good point saying that we should look at the project behind cryptos.
One possibility is to look only as an investment, but risk is high here. Better one is to look for potential of a project as a whole...

Probably everybody who visited countries like you amd me knows what these photos really show. It is something else, something deeper.

I will never forget how happy people in Namibia were when I gave them football ball. Precious...

Priceless images Andy, great job.

Thanks, I am glad you like them with the story...

You have explained in your photography that you can be happy with very few things in life. They may not get proper food accommodation and clothes but the smile on their face tells them that they are really happy.

I mean it is hard to describe and also hard to present it through photography. If you have the opportunity to experience that, it is really moment you can't forget.

Thanks for stopping by!

Amazing shots, as always.

That words comming from you have added value :)

While money can be a useful servant to move forward in life, it can never really buy genuine happiness. Just look at the perfect smiles of the Ethiopians in your photos - still joyful even in poverty. By the way, that was a remarkable blog post introduction you got there! It was something different for a change. Great story Andy!

Thank you Erne!

Well I really miss some post ideas lately, so I will probably also post less for a while. I still have tons of photos, but don't want just shoot them out.
I would be happy to share some new, fresh photos, but these days I am not going around much so I don't have anything to show.
My son got a nice toy for Christmas, so I might write an article about that in the future to change my topic a bit.

Yes, your son's toy would be a suitable post for the Toys on Hive community. All the best!

Amazing collection and I can totally confirm the title of your post ;) I have seen a lot of poor but happy people on my travels.

That is one of the reasons why traveling is so beautiful...

As they say money can't buy happiness and these people have happiness naturally nice shots man 👍

Everything written is true...
Just love when you see all the kids with happy faces.

So true that brings the joy to you and makes you appreciate how lucky we are 👍